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War walks through that pedestrian. He looks at his watch, it is almost 8. He looks at his surrounding, it is dark already. War doesn't know why he walks back to the university. He missed his entire classes, after leaving the hotel, War hopped into a bus, he was sit until the last stop and he was forced to go out from that bus. He got into another bus and it brought him back to the University. He doesn't know where to go actually, his mind is in a chaotic state. 


'Yes, Bright?'

'I need to talk, where are you?'

'I can't right now, Bright. I'm sorry' 

'Where are you, I really need to talk to you. This can't wait' 

'I'm-, I'm sorry, Bright. I really can't right now' 

War cuts the call, he doesn't want to talk to anybody at that very moment. He looked outside the bus window, thinking about what he must do now. His phone buzzed, 

'Are you ok? you don't sound well. We need to talk, this is about Yin. Please call me, I'm worried' 

War reads that message from Bright. He leans his head to the window, couldn't think more about what else about Yin that he needs to hear from Bright. 


War gets to his pocket and takes his dead phone out. War has turned his phone off after Bright kept on calling him, even though he kept rejecting them. 

War turns on his phone and several messages popped out. 

'Ask your boyfriend where he was this afternoon' 

War halts his steps, he frowns. He is about to call Bright to ask for explanation but a call from Yin beats him. War stares at the screen of his buzzing phone, Yin's name is on it. War's heart beats erratically, he remembers clearly what the lawyer said in their meeting earlier. 


The lawyer looks at War with a condescending stare.  

'The Wong's family will never let their precious son be in this degrading relationship, even more with someone with your background' the lawyer said 

'They are among the richest and the most successful families, while your family? I don't need to explain it to you further, right?' 

'You have been living with Yin for quite a while, enjoying all the facilities that he has, he even paid for our grandmother's hospital bill. You have obtained a lot, have tasted the live as the rich, but, now it's time for you to go back to your world' 

'I hope this is the first and the last time we have to meet' 

The lawyer puts some papers on the table, he pushes them to War's direction. War looks at those papers. It is a list. 

'I can see that your mother will need help to settle all these debts' 

'5 million is not a small number' 

War's eyes dilated listening to that statement. 

'f-five million?'  his voice almost cracked

The lawyer nods and smirks. 'If she knows that his beloved son is in a relationship with a billionaire, well-' 

'What are you talking about?' 

'Are you implying that I would ask Yin to pay her debts?' War raises his tone

'I'm not implying anything. I just want you to know that Yin's family, especially his mother, will not let you take advantage of his son' 

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