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War rubs his eyes a bit, he almost couldn't see anything, the room is still dark and his eyes still yet to open entirely. He taps the space of the bed next to him, empty, and cold. He reaches to the wall near the headboard to turn on one of the night light. War gets himself to sit while still rubbing his eyes a bit. 

'hmmmm... Phi Yin...' he murmurs as his eyes screening the bedroom a bit. 

War turns to night stand and see the clock, 2.30 am. 

'Where is-' 

'arrgghhhh...' War's thought is stopped by a distinct noise he heard 

All his sleepiness almost gone entirely, his eyes now wide open. 


another noise is heard. War anxiously gets up from the bed and walks bit by bit to find the source of the noise. 

'hhmmpphh.... ughhhhh' 

War walks a bit faster as he figures the source of the noises. He currently stands in front of the bathroom door, the noises getting clearer to him. 

They sounded like... moans. War bites his lips, he is still not sure about what's going on inside that room, but the noises are ups and downs. War is worried, the noises, he is familiar with the owner, it's Yin. 

'Arrgghhh... hhmmmmhhh...' 


the noises getting intense.

'Ohh my Goddd.... ahhh-ah...ahhh' that pretty decent voice is heard as War is ready to knock on the door, but then he pulled his hand back. 

War bites his lips again, he knows exactly now, what is going on inside. He is pretty sure that Yin is doing something for his pleasure sake, he can hear it clearly from that orgasm triggered noises he just got earlier. War hurriedly run to get back to his bed when he heard the flush is on. War turns to the side and lays on his arm so he will back facing Yin once he climbs back to bed. War heard the door opens, he shuts his eyes when he feels that Yin is sneaking inside the duvet. He could feel that Yin did it very slowly, it seems that he doesn't want to interrupt War. 

War startled a bit when an arm circles on his belly and something pressing his body from behind. 

'hmmm...' he could hear Yin's low voice mixed with his breathing as he snuggles on to War's nape. 

He pulls War a bit so their bodies literally glued together. War stays still for a while, he is afraid to make any movement, he tried to calm himself down. He doesn't understand either, he didn't do anything bad why should he be this anxious. Yes, he caught Yin red handed, but masturbating is not a crime, heck, it is normal for healthy men. War tries to erase his ungrounded anxiousness and gets back to sleep. 


 War wakes up to uncommon feeling of being waking up alone. He sits and looks to the other side of the empty bed where he sees no one. He looks at the time, it's almost 7.30, the sun is already pretty high. 


War calls his boyfriend as he walks out the room and heads to the living room, but there's no sign of anyone in that big penthouse. 

'Where is he?' War murmurs 

War gets back to the bedroom and takes his cellphone. He is tapping his finger while waiting for Yin to pick up. 


War raised his eyebrows, it's not his boyfriend's voice. He looks at the screen, it's Yin's number. 

YinWar - Realistic Love S1 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now