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'Can you stop following me?' 

War finally stopped after spending probably an hour walking without exact destination, he just wanted to get away from that place, from everyone. Yin was following him, all the time without any intention to stop him. He knows his boyfriend must be confused, and probably angry. Yin has lied to War all this time, about Julia, about who she is, it is normal that War is angry. Yin stayed and walked behind War, without saying anything. Until War finally stopped and talked. 

'Can you leave me alone' War said again with his back still facing Yin

'War, I'm sorry. Can-' 

'I need to work, Yin' War said 

'Let me take you' Yin said softly 

Yin slowly tries to approach War, but stop when War turns back and faces him. Yin can see War's expression, he looks confused, he frowns, he looks at Yin with so much disappointment.  

War shakes his head and turns back to start to walk just to stop again after a loud thunder out of nowhere startle both of them. War looks up to the sky, it's dark, how come he doesn't realize that it is already so gloomy with the wind has been colder than usual. 

Another thunder can be heard, and now the lightning also can be seen from the place they are standing. The rain is coming. Yin runs to grab War's hand and guides him to the car, he already asked his driver to follow them from a distance. 

Yin opens the car's door, but War looks at him and about to refuse. 

'Please, you'll catch a cold, baby' Yin pleads as he cups War's cold face and pushes him a bit into the car.


'Where are we going? this is not the way to the cafe' War asked after 15 minutes of total silence in that car

'We're going home, I've asked Phi Perth to give you a leave today' Yin said

War turns his sight back to the window, he doesn't have any appetite to talk to Yin, or to be around him, at this moment. He is being lied upon, he feels like a total moron. He saw the two of them in that club, they talked. Did they talk or meet behind him all these times? Did Yin do this on purpose, did he try to fool him on purpose?  All these stuffs are hammering War's head. 'Why would Yin lie to him, he had told him about Julia, and War understands his situation, why he must lie about him meeting her, about she is Bright's sister? Did he try to cover up the pregnancy allegation, is that allegation is true? if that's the truth, Yin had done something horrible, Is that why he lied?'  War keeps on monologuing inside his head. 




War startles when he feels someone softly taps his knee, he turns to the other side to find Yin's face looking at him, he smiles a bit. 

'We're here' Yin said

War looks outside, they have arrived in front of Yin's penthouse building. Without responding to Yin, War reaches out to the knob and gets out from the car. He stands there until Yin takes his hand and guides him to get inside the building. 


Yin gets out from the bathroom after showering, he sees War is nowhere in their bedroom. He is a bit panic as he storms out and runs down but sighs with relieve when he sees his boyfriend sitting on that sofa in the living room. 

War can hear Yin's footsteps. He stands up when he feels that Yin is closed enough to the living room. He turns back and faces Yin. 

'Why did you lie?' War said 

YinWar - Realistic Love S1 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now