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Yin can feel that weight of War on him as he suddenly jumps, Yin instantly holds War but his lighted head has no help for him to keep the balance. Both of them ends up on the sofa with War on top of Yin, snuggles on the crook of his neck, breathing so fast out of excitement. Yin can feel the tingling sensation as War still lightly giggles on his neck. 

Yin rubs War's back as he also laughs lightly.

'Congratulations... baby' Yin whispers as he caresses War's hair 

Yin can feel War's body a bit stiffen as he loosen the hug and raised his body a bit. War looks at Yin's eyes, he looks a bit confused, maybe because of Yin called him baby earlier. War's impression clearly shows that he doesn't believe of what he is hearing just now. 

Yin stares at those lovely eyes but then his attention turns to those alluring lips of War. Maybe it's alcohol, maybe it's the ambience, but Yin finally got the courage to act. It's like now or never kinda thing for Yin now, he couldn't contain his desire no more. Yin reaches out to War's nape, caresses it softly. Yin is sure, well, maybe 70% sure, that War understands what he is up to. He slowly brings War's face down to him, closer, and closer , and there's no rejection from him, Yin knows that their feeling probably mutual. 

Yin feels an outburst inside his chest when those lips landed on his. They are so soft, it feels so great that he couldn't comprehend how it happen. Both don't dare to move for couple of seconds until War slowly releases that simple kiss. Yin can see doubt and disbelief in War's eyes, and he cannot let it stay like that. Yin grabs his nape once again but this time, there's no pause, Yin raises up and captures those lips, and with one go Yin turns War's body so now he is on top of him. Being in that position makes it easier for Yin to kiss War deeper. He moves his lips and presses them a bit, he gives War small pecks before he nibbles War's lower lips which makes War gasp and Yin teases him with a bit of licking. War squeezes the edge of Yin's shirt, he doesn't have the courage to touch Yin, not even Yin's back. 

Yin continue to lead that making out session until somehow it stops. War can feel Yin's lips landed on his cheek and some weight is added on to his body. Yin is not moving. 

War blinks once, twice, waiting for what's next, but there's no what's next. Yin has fallen asleep. 

'P-Phi.. Phi Yin' War whispers 

No answer for him. War taps his back softly as he again calls out his name, but still no response. Then War hears a soft snore coming from his mouth. War sighs and shuts his eyes. 

'He's asleep' War chuckles and shakes his head 

War tries to raise his body while taking Yin's body to the side. He puts Yin back to the sofa. 

'Phi.. Phi Yin' War taps Yin's cheek softly 

'You need to get to your bedroom, it is comfortable here' War said 

Yin moves a bit and slurring, again making War laughs a bit. War takes one of his hands and puts it on his shoulder then help him to stand. 

'Come on, big boy, let's get you to the bedroom' 

War finally able to bring Yin to his bedroom, he tucks him to bed. War sits on the edge of the bed, he fixes those hair that covers Yin's eyes a bit. 

'I bet tomorrow you'll forget everything' War said with a bit of a sad tone 

'Goodnight, Phi Yin' 

War caresses his cheek and kisses his forehead before he left the room. 

Once the door is closed Yin opens his eyes. 

YinWar - Realistic Love S1 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now