I Want To Kill One More

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Work was long and tiring. You couldn't wait to be back in your apartment. Back with Dabi. You just wanted to make sure he was safe. Especially with how things were left earlier. Something about his demeanor. The way he looked changed.  He obviously knew what the cop said to you. But you defended him. You lied for him. He shouldn't be angry.

You came back to your complex to see a patrol car parked across the street. But the big commotion of hero's, cops, and reporters died down. That was good sign though, the fact there was only one car left meant that they didn't find anything.

You headed into the complex and up to your apartment. Dabis boots were still there unmoved from how you kicked them. You took your shoes off.
Dabi was now on the couch. He was asleep. You walked over to his resting self and admired how calm he looked. How peaceful.

You went over to the kitchen and began to quietly make up the leftovers from the other night. You placed them in the microwave and pressed buttons to get your meal started. You turned to face the living room and saw Dabi now propped up on the couch.

"Did I wake you?"
"No. No."
He yawned.
"I was waiting for you to get home and I guess I fell asleep."
He rubbed his eyes, stretched, and made his way to you in the kitchen.

"How's it looking outside?"
"Well, the cops died down. There's still a patrol car out there though."
He nodded. And the two of you sat in silence for a moment. The microwave beeped startling you. You got your food and had a seat on the couch.
"Do you want any?"
"I already ate."
Dabi was still in the kitchen. He had that expression on his face again. The one you couldn't describe.
You said softly.
His expression then changed quickly and he moved towards your seated body.

"I want to kill one more with you."
Your eyes locked for a minute before he started his rant.
"There's someone I've been keeping an eye on just outside of town. A former hero named Roots. He moved out of the city to a small town just off the highway after he stepped for sexual assault allegations towards his secretary and a couple fans who idolized him. Even after all the backlash from the public he never got his day in court. No justice for the victims or anything."
He took a seat next to you.

"He comes into the City every once and a while in hopes of getting some action. But the town he lives in, it's just far enough out that the cops from this district won't be notified. We can even stay in a motel."

He looked at you intently. Waiting for you to say something.
"One more huh?"
You took a bite and thought for a bit.
What does he mean by one more? One more then he'll be bored and want to spice things up again? Change the pace? Or one more as in he's gonna turn himself in? Or is he gonna...no no he's not going to do that. It's been going so well between us...he wouldn't...

"Okay. Just one thing."
"How are we gonna get out of the apartment without being seen?"

You collected your things, thought up a plan, and somehow; with the power of plot convenience, you and Dabi got out.
He had the two of you stop at an old lot to get some beat up car.
Not gonna question him there.
And you made your way out of town.


The drive was smooth. He had the windows down and light music playing over the radio. You caught him mumbling the words to a couple of the songs. You didn't say anything to him though. You just smiled and rested your head on the window sill. It was about a forty five minute drive before you made it to a small town outside the City. He pulled into a rustic looking bar and parked the car.
"Okay here's the plan..."

Dabi unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to face you. You did the same. Dabi began giving a description of the target.
"I followed him to this bar a couple times in the last month. He likes to hang out here, occasionally bringing home ladies to his place."
He began.
"I want you to seduce and bring him towards the motel. It's just a shot down that way."
He pointed out his window to a winded road. Trees on either side.
"I'll be waiting there and we can have our fun."
You nodded and got yourself ready. You checked yourself out in the car mirror, ruffling your hair, before you turned back to Dabi giving him a smile. Before you could reach over to open your car door. Dabi grabbed your cheek with his corse hand and pushed a strand of fallen hair back before pressing his lips to yours.
After a minute he pulled back and held his forehead to yours. You could see on his face he was ready to say something but the words weren't coming out. He smiled a little and spoke.
"I-, You got this."


You made your way into the run down bar. It smelt of booze and cigarettes. There were a lot of motorcyclists and burly dudes with tattoos with their wives along with some younger collage student looking girls sitting by a pool table watching intently at two guys battling out in a game of whose best at 8 ball.

Dabi gave you the description of who you were looking for and here he was. A big dude with muscles on muscles I'm talking body builder built. He sat drinking out of a glass that seemed tiny in his hand. He had dark hair that was balding at the top and a shirt that seemed too tight. He was checking out one of the girls talking it up with a guy playing pool. You took a seat on a stool one over from him and the tender came to you

"What can I get for you?"
You weren't much of a drinker so you ordered the first thing that came to mind.
"Vodka soda."
He nodded and began to make the drink. The big dude made eyes at you and you gave him a flirtatious smile, moving to the seat next to him.
"I've never see you here before, you new in town?" He eyed you up and down.
"I got their drink. Put it on my tab."
He spoke to the bartender who nodded placed your drink down and moved to the next costumer.
"Just visiting."
You responded.
"Ah...I see. so do you have a place you're staying?"
"Getting right to it."
You chuckled.
"Oh ahah I didn't mean like-"
"It's alright. I'm staying in a motel just off the highway. I'm only here for tonight though. Tomorrow I'm back on the road again."
You took a sip of your drink.
God Dabi how do you drink this shit?!
"So if you want to make a move tonight's the night." You added.
"Well then how about you finish that drink and however more you'd like after that and we break in that motel bed of yours."
He smiled. He had a chipped tooth. Possibly a bar fight led to that. and his jaw was crooked, but you still gave him a sly smile and continued your drink.
You didn't expect it to be that easy to get him to leave with you. He must've been desperately waiting for some action.

The two of you continued to talk about the basics. Careers. Family. Etc. He told you of his work at as a waiter at what he said was the nicest restaurant in town but judging by his scandals must be a fast food joint he's talking up to make you seem interested. He lived alone and didn't have any family near by. Which was nice to hear. He then spoke on how gorgeous you looked in your outfit or how much better it would look on the floor of your motel. You just took it and gave him a playful laugh.

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