First Name Basis

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A week had gone by since Larry's disappearance. On one hand you wondered what happened that night, but on the other did it really matter? I mean sure that's less tips, but at least it was one less old man sexualizing you. Although it was much quieter. You continued your normal routine, which was about same everyday. Wake up mid afternoon, eat something, get ready, work until 2am, eat some more, pass the fuck out, and do it all again the next day. Except for Sunday's. That was your free day.

The man with the eyes came to the bar every night since the disappearance of Larry. He would always keep a close eye on you and the men you were talking to. It wasn't one of those creepy stares that you were used to, the ones that made you feel like steak. It was more comforting like he was ready to intervene if something happened.

"I want to serve the dude with the skin graphs tonight. If that's alright with you?"
You say to your coworker, Sharon she was the one usually serving him. She was a middle aged woman who would stay behind the bar because the boss said she wasn't "appealing enough" for the men we served, although she was beautiful to you and everyone else who worked with.
"You can take one of my regulars. I'm sure Carl and his work buddies will be coming tonight."
You offer that table knowing that not only is a group of men who tip generously, they aren't as focused on the sex appeal of the servers.
"That's alright with me if it is with you. Just know he's not a big tipper."
She said wiping down the bar island.

The night progressed and you stayed behind the bar. Finally he came through the door. Hood on and hands in his sweatshirt pockets. He took a scope of the room and sat down at the end of the island. You finished serving one of the costumers and made your way over to him.
"Hi, I'm y/n and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get for you?"
The blue eyed boy looked up at you.
fuck those are some pretty eyes.
"Vodka soda."
He responded. You began preparing the drink.
"So y/n, why are you serving me tonight? Is Sharon finally over me?"
He questioned.
"She just needs some extra cash this week, so we decided to trade positions."
You lied.
"Ah, I see."
You handed him his drink on a napkin and watched as he picked it up, gave it a swirl, and sipped.
"Y/n, has anyone been bothering you lately?"
That's kind of a weird question but...
It clicked. All his constant stares at you and the men you were talking to. Larry's sudden disappearance, he had to of but why? How?
How do I go about this. How do I ask someone if they potentially killed...Wait what if he's just asking this to be nice, maybe he's not even the reason Larry's gone i-
You snapped back to reality to see the furrowed brow man staring at you waiting for a response.
"Umm, I mean besides the occasional comment, it's been pretty slow. Especially since my biggest tipper hasn't been here all week."
You hint at Larry's absence to see if he'll spill anything.
"No reason, really. Just if anyone does I'd love to help you out in taking care of them."
He took another sip of his drink and put it back on the napkin.
Yep he's the reason. He has to be.

"What's your name?"
You try to focus the conversation on to something else for now.
"I go by Dabi,"
he said holding his hand out for you to shake it. You do. His hand was warm, not in a clammy way, but like you were putting your hand over a flame.
"Dabi huh? I like it."
You say back, still hand in hand.
"Your hands are so cold."
He blurted out holding them tighter in his own. You couldn't help but laugh at the sudden words.
"So Dabi, what do you do?"
He smiled letting your hand go to pick up his drink.
"It depends on the day..."
He took a swig and put the glass down, folded his arms on the table, leaning forward on his stool.
Well that's incredibly sus but somewhat intriguing. Who the fuck is this guy?
"Seeing you won't give a straight forward answer, I should probably mind my business with that one."
You chuckled, noticing a new person had been seated at the bar.
"I have to serve someone real quick, don't go anywhere."
"I'll try."
He responds.

You walk over to the new costumer and begin the same process.
"Hi I'm y/n and I'll be your server. What can I get you?"
The guy getting served was unfortunately a talker, so serving him was gonna take longer than you hoped. You'd glance over at Dabi sipping on his drink, while half listening to this dude rant about his problems. Every once and a while you'd give him a,
"yeah that sucks."
Oh my god we get it the beer girl at the country club didn't want to give you the time of day, I just want to get back to who the hell this Dabi guy is...
You looked back over to Dabi but he wasn't sitting in his stool anymore. All that was left was some crumpled change and a empty drink.
Fuck. How long has this dude been talking to me? You look at the time to see 1:55am.
I get off in five minutes maybe he didn't get far. He'll be back tomorrow night though. No it's Sunday tomorrow. Damn.
The last minutes of your shift consisted of this dude named Brian? No Ryan? Talking about a country club.


You step outside to brisk air hitting your face and Dabi leaning on the side of the bar taking a hit off a cigarette.
"Y/n, sorry I left, I needed to answer a call."
He said putting the cigarette out on the ground. He began to walk to you.
"Let me walk you home."
you debated this offer in your head for a bit.
What if he kills me? No, no, not after what he did to Larry, I mean that just wouldn't make sense. Besides you have knife if he tries anything.
You hesitantly agreed and the both of you went on your way.

"Can i ask you something?"
You say looking down at the pavement below you, then up (or down idk how tall you are b) at him.
He responds.
"So Larry, erm the guy who I said disappeared...did you have anything to do with that?"
He smirked, keeping his eyes forward.
"Do you really wanna know?"
Well that's why I asked dipshit.
"You see y/n work has been slow and trying to figure out what to do with myself while I'm off has been a bit of a challenge, until I came to this bar. They way those guys act around the workers is disgusting."
He paused
"So I thought why not do something about it... You no longer have a pervert following you home and I'm no longer trying to figure out what to do with myself. I'm not longer bored."
"What exactly did you do?
You questioned, hoping you'd get an actual response and not a vague story again.
"Don't tell me you actually liked the guy?"
"Hah god no, I just feel like I should have an answer so I don't start making my own assumptions."
The both of you made it to your complex. He turned to you holding his hand up by his face and a small blue flame appeared along with a shit eating grin.
"That's one fucked up way of flirting."
You said with a half smile.
"Like I said I'm no longer bored."
He responded placing his hand into his pocket. And giving you one last long look at your frame, while you stepped up the stairs into your complex.
"Have a good night Dabi."
You looked back giving a small wave to the scarred man.
"You too y/n."
He spoke pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, taking one, placing it in his mouth, and lighting it with his finger, before walking off.

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