I Got A Question?

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"More bodies have been discovered."
The reporter spoke out on the tv as you and your coworkers prepared the bar for a night of serving. They began to bring up some of the identities of those taken. While most of their bodies were too charred to identify. Some appeared on the screen. Including the two from the other night.

You began to think of what Dabi did to them. You imagined him stalking them at the other bar until they were outside and secluded from civilization. He'd defend your honor by engulfing them in his flame. You kind of wished you were there to witness him do it. The look on his face. The way the flames danced off his palms. Maybe even pulling you into a romantic kiss after, just to rub it in that they could no longer touch you.

"It's fucked up really."
One of the workers said, Breaking your daydream.
"Whoever is doing this for sure has some fucked up agenda."

You felt your stomach tighten knowing exactly what was happening, but for some reason you didn't mind. You didn't mind the idea of those assholes getting what they deserved. They deserved it. Right?

"I think whoever that quirk user is isn't as bad as everyone thinks."
Sharon spoke out. You and the rest of your coworkers looked over in aww at the statement.

"I mean, I don't agree with murder, but people who do such horrible acts should be held accountable. All of the people this user has been taking out have been the scum of this society. Call me crazy but I don't think they necessarily are wrong with the agenda. I just think their are better ways to go about it."
She took a breath and continued with her work.
You gave her a smile at the worded response.
"I agree."
She gave you a smile back and you carried on with the night.

Your twisted relationship with Dabi continued. Every night, except for Sunday's of course. You would meet with and talk to Dabi over a drink about the weeds of society. You see, it no longer was just about your problems. You began to tell him of encounters you'd notice in everyday locations, like the train station, the store, or just out and about on the street. If you really pay attention you start to notice how fucked up some people really are. You took that into account making sure you knew what they looked like, if they had a quirk or not, and any other important information Dabi would need to know before finishing them off.

It was a fun little break from the repetitive reality you lived. It was new and thrilling. Besides you loved the way he looked at you each time you'd come to him with the latest details. A light would wipe across his face. The light of someone about to experience the biggest rush of serotonin. The light you craved.

"Y/n I got a question?"
Dabi leaned forward on his stool, interrupting your ramble.
"You get off soon and I was wondering if you'd like to go get some food with me?"
Did he just ask me out?
"Like a date?"
"Ideally yes, but call it what you want."
He shrugged taking a sip of his drink
" it's a date."
You said giving a half smile and began preparing the drink for the fellow a couple stools down.


Dabi and you walked into a 24 hour diner not far from your work and seated yourselves. There weren't many people in the joint, it was a little past 2am after all. Just two truck drivers sitting in a booth on the other side of the diner and a very tired looking woman standing behind a counter waiting for something to happen. She perked up seeing the two of you. Adjusting herself, she walked over to the booth.

"Good evening. Can I get either of you started with a drink?"
She said, particularly eyeing Dabi, or at least the markings on his body.
You both said in sync and she nodded with a smile taking one last glance at him and headed on her way.

"Do you get that a lot?"
You asked looking down at the menu in front of you.
"I've learned to grow use to it. People are gonna stare no matter what. It's best to just let them and leave it at that."
He paused
"I'm surprised it wasn't such a big deal for you when we first met."

The server came back with two waters.
"Have you decided on your food yet?"
She held out a pen and notepad looking at me first. You told her what you wanted and Dabi did the same. She nodded again and left.

"I've seen plenty of scars, bruisings, and other markings from the guys I've served. Sure yours are the most intense, but no reason to get worked up about it. In fact I think their kind of cool."
You debated if you should ask the next thing on your mind.

"Can i ask how you got them?"
Dabi gave you a small smile and then shifted the conversation to something else.
"These past couple of weeks have been a fun time
y/n, but I'm starting to get bored again."
You're getting bored? How the fuck are you already bored?
"Uh oh, bored already? Arson not enough for you anymore?"
"No no that part is fine, it's just getting too repetitive. The guys are all the same. They all act the same too. Oh please why are you doing this? You don't have to? I didn't do anything!"
He said mockingly
"You see I brought you out because I wanted to ask you something."
"So you're buttering me up with food?"
You said taking a sip of water.
"Well that and I've grown to like talking to you."

You blushed a little. He just stared intently, looking at every move you made. The way you had one hand on your glass and the other on your lap. The expression on your face. He was taking it all in. You couldn't help but notice him too he was leaned back on the booth arms crossed and had a look of interest on his face. Interest in you.

"I wonder if I'd grow to like hanging out with you too. Outside of work."
He spoke.
"I see. Well what is it you'd like to ask me?"
You said shifting in your seat contemplating all the possible outcomes.
"Would you ever consider taking out one of the men that hurt you yourself?"
Not exactly the romantic version of where I thought this was going.
"By taking out you mean like killing them?"

"Sure, or at least beating them up. Teaching them a lesson. A lesson to not fuck with you anymore?"
You took a second.

" I mean, yeah I've thought about it. But I don't know if..."
"Here you are, anything else I can get you two?"
The waitress said placing your food down.
"We're good, thanks."
Dabi responded.
"You were saying?"

He picked up his fork and started his meal.

"I mean I've thought about it. That night with Larry, if you hadn't of shown up I would have to face him myself eventually, and knowing what he wanted, it wouldn't of been a simple stop or leave me alone." You paused.
"But I don't know..."

"Well I think you could, I think you would have it in you to put someone in their place."
"Thank you, but..."
"Y/n I'd like to try something with you?"

I'm a little lost but I liked the way he had confidence in my ability. Even though I didn't have a quirk like him. He still believed that I was capable of taking a creep down.

"I'm listening..."

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