Hopelessly Devoted

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Since the night of the first kill, Dabi and you had continued the original relationship you had. You'd inform him of a scumbag and he'd take them out, but now and then he'd have you go with him to play the little game of cat and mouse.

Slowly but surely you weren't only talking with him about the next target, the two of you started talking on a more personal level. Before you knew it,  you opened up to him. You told him of your traumas, your fears, your wishes, and dreams; and he listened. He actually listened. You tried to get him to open up as well because you didn't want to be the only one with your heart out on a platter, but he'd always change the topic back to you.

However there was one night you got something out of him. It wasn't huge, but it was something.

You were back at your place after taking down a man fresh out of prison. He was charged on multiple accounts of assault towards his former spouse and kids. You noticed Dabi was being extra violent, more than a serial arsonist could be. It wasn't the violence that scared you though. No. It was the fact that it seemed like all those things that man did. He did to Dabi himself. Dabi took it personally.

You decided to ask him about it. The build up to that conversation wasn't the easiest, but you managed. And sure enough he opened up. He brought up how he hated men like that, those with no regard for their families. It reminded him of his own father. He then said something along the lines of,
"You should never have a kid just to fill some from of void or agenda in your life."

You tried to get him to speak more on his upbringing, but he then realized he was talking about himself and asked about yours instead. It wasn't much information but it was nice knowing that in that minute he felt like he could be vulnerable with you.

Dabi started to stay over every other night too. You didn't mind the company though. It was something new. Something you weren't used to. The two of you  even started to do couple like things. You'd make meals, go on walks, hell you even got him to stargaze with you one night. He even pointed out a couple of constellations, which caught you by surprise. You'd occasionally have sex and every once and a while he'd even call you a pet name to try and get you to blush. You'd flip him off and then he'd pull you into a kiss. Although you didn't call him your boyfriend, you knew he was yours and you were his. You could feel yourself beginning to fall for him.


Your alarm yelled at you as you reached over and shut it down. You inhaled the morning air and look beside you. Dabi was sprawled out next to you. One arm was placed under his pillow and the other wrapped around your waist. You yawned and sat up causing his arm to slide down to your lap. The morning sun shined through the window across from where you lay. The glowing light danced on Dabis shirtless back. You took a second to take in his beauty.

He never understood why you thought he was attractive. He'd joke every so often about how the only reason you stayed by his side was because he gave you good dick. And although that was a plus you genuinely thought he was beautiful.

You placed your hand on the side of his cheek and worked your way to his back softly swirly your fingers around and lightly massaging his muscles. You tried your best to avoid the graph on his skin to not startle him awake. Still his eyes fluttered open giving you a little smile and adjusting his head on the pillow.
"Morning doll."


"I gotta get going soon."
You said searching the living room for your jacket.
Where the fuck did I put it?
A knock on the door interrupted your searching. You headed over to the door and looked through the little peep hole. A lanky dude with a mustache in a cop uniform stood scoping out the hallway.
"It was under your bed."
Dabi said coming out of your room holding your jacket, only to be shushed and greeted with your hands waving for him to go into your room as you mouthed the word cop. He nodded and left as you adjusted your posture and opened the door with the fakest smile.

"Good afternoon."
He introduced himself and began.
"Is there something I can help you with?"
You questioned.
"Well you see the crime rate has recently spiked in your area, and there has been talks of a villain seeking refugee in this here complex."
He held out a scribbled drawing of what vaguely looked like Dabi.
"We've been after him for a while and these recent murders are an awfully lot like what he's done in the past. So while my partner and I are out patrolling we've been asking all the residents if they know of anything."
Shit when did someone see him. Let alone enough to get a description.

He put the picture away and held out a notebook and pen awaiting your response.
"A villain might be in the complex?"
You spoke in a concerned voice.
"Scary right? But no need to worry just yet. These could just be rumors. Out of all the rooms nobody has seen or heard anything yet."
He reassured you.
It did in fact reassure you it meant that even with Dabi staying at your place, the both of you were careful enough to not be seen or heard.

"Well I haven't heard or seen anything recently. But if I do I will for sure give you a call."
You bluffed.
"I see."

He sighed. As he was about to turn away, he noticed Dabis boots sitting next to yours to the right of the door. Their was a bit of a size difference making the cop question the validity of the former statement.

"You don't live with anyone else do you? Anyone else I can question?"
"Not anymore."
"Yeah my boyfriend and I recently got into it and so he split. Too bad he was too angry to grab any of his shit so now I'm stuck with these busted things."
You say kicking at the boots causing them to fall.
"I'm sorry about that. Well you let me know if you hear or see anything."
He turned slowly taking one last glimpse of the apartment and left.

You closed the door and waited a solid minute before doing or saying anything to really make sure he was gone. You then walked into your room where Dabi was sitting, on your bed. He had your jacket on his lap and was staring at it with an expression you couldn't describe.

"I'm late for work."
You say. His fingers let loose allowing you to take your jacket from him. He didn't move from his position.
"You stay here and don't move until I get back. Cops should be all over and where there's cops there's hero's. I'll be back after my shift and then we'll talk about a plan."

You gave him a small smile but he didn't reciprocate. He just sat looking down with the same confusing expression. You put your coat on and tilted his head to meet yours.

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back."
His eyebrows raised and fell quickly and you left the apartment. Sure enough the whole block was being patrolled by cops, hero's, and the occasional reporter. You started to get nervous but not enough to break you.

It'll all blow over. Once they find nothing in the complex, it'll all be okay.

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