Chapter 7

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            When Tommy found out what had Happened to Henry he went on a rampage. He burnt down and grieved the Eiffel Tower with the help of Dream and tried to frame BadBoyHalo for it, which didn't work. Bad told Sapnap about what tommy and Dream were doing causing him to come to scene and evaluate what had happened. Soon a war broke out. Sapnap with Bad, Skeppy and Antfrost against Dream, Niachu, and Tommy, and later Technoblade.

Though Sapnap fought long and hard with help from friends, they lost. Tommy won, and now had Sapnaps fish Mars.

Karl POV:

Sapnap had been down bad since then and Karl had Definitely noticed, but Sapnap had isolated himself for a couple days, and Karl couldn't do much, so he left Sapnap alone and let him be by himself for a while.

Karl was relaxing in his house when he heard a knock at his door.

It was Sapnap. He looked bad.

"Hi" Sapnap said

"Hello" Karl said while gesturing for him to enter the house, and he did.

"How are you?" Karl asked while bringing him a drink.

"I'm...Better" He said while taking the drink

Karl sat down next to Sapnap and together they satin silence.

"I'm sorry" Sapnap said "I'm sorry for isolating myself. I should've at least told you what was going through my head." He said staring at the cup in his hands.

Karl just sat there staring at him.

"it was just a lot you know?" He said chuckling "I didn't even mean to kill the damn cow, but I couldn't explain myself to Tommy." He said pausing and taking a deep breath.

"He ruined our tower, he stole my fish, and I couldn't even beat him in a fight Karl." He said looking up at Karl who had still been staring at him.

Their eyes met and Sapnap couldn't help but smile.

"You're so amazing Karl. I don't know what I would be doing without you honestly." He said to which shocked Karl who didn't know how to respond.

"Thank you Sapnap..." Karl said in a whisper.

"I'm sorry for leaving you out of all of this" He said with a deep sigh 'I'm trying my best for you, I promise. I always will try my best for you Karl." Sapnap said

Karl being the emotional person he was started to tear up a little, which made Sapnap chuckle.

'Come here" Sapnap said while holding his arms out, signaling a hug. Karl hugged Sapnap and they stayed there for a while, just hugging.

"I love you Karl." Sapnap said

"I love you too" Karl said, and he meant it.

He fell for Sapnap more and more, even if they had their issues, he couldn't help but love the man, but this wasn't the only person he felt something for.

He just doesn't realize that yet.


A shorter but I feel more wholesome chapter for you guys. I know it's a little slow but more Karl and Quackity content will happen soon!

Hope you enjoyed!

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