Chapter 5

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Quackity POV:

On his way out to get some food Quackity ran into an old friend.

"Hey Schlatt, long time no see" Quackity said to the man standing on top hill looking over the city before them. He went to stand next to Schlatt noticing yet another bottle in his hand.

Schlatt took a swig without responding to Quackity.

The two stood in silence for a while, just enjoying the view and the breeze.

"Have I ever told you how flat you are?" Schlatt said to Quackity.

"You're a flatty patty." He said before he left, taking one more sip from the bottle and throwing it on the ground.

Quackity didn't even have time to respond. He stood there shocked on what Schlatt just said.

How could he say that to him? And why did he say it.

Quackity became insecure of his rear end, he had cut back on working it out, but he didn't think it would've made such a notable difference.

Quackity was so sad over what Schlatt said to him, that he attempted to build multiple graves that said, "Flatty Patty", but he kept failing.

After many tries and much frustration Quackity finally gave up. He sat on the ground in front of the graves when someone touched his shoulder.

Quackity looked up to see Schlatt, no bottle this time.

"Your graves are shit" He said without even looking at Quackity.

Quackity sighed and looked down to the floor feeling like a failure.

"Come with me Quackity I have a surprise for you." Schlatt said while heading off.

Confused, Quackity got up quickly to follow him.

"I know I'm mean Quackity, but I felt as though you needed a "Thank You" from me, and instead of saying it directly I made this for you." Schlatt said revealing a lovely little restaurant.

"This is for you and me only. A date one might say" Schlatt said while looking at Quackity for approval, but Quackity was too astonished to notice.

He made his way to the doors of the restaurant and looked through the windows to see a table for two set up with beautiful decorations.

"wow" was all that Quackity could say. He would've never thought of Schlatt as the type of person to do something like this.

"So, you like it?" Schlatt said showing some insecurity in his building.

'Yes, it's amazing." Quackity said turning to Schlatt and smiling.

Schlatt smiled back at Quackity, took his hand, and lead him into the building.

He took them to the table which already had both their favorite meals on it, waiting to be eaten.

"How did you know Steak was my favorite?" Quackity said while poking the food.

"I remember everything you tell me." Schlatt replied.

The two of them ate in a comfortable silence until Quackity broke the silence.

"Why did you do this? Why for me?"

Schlatt suddenly stopped eating his food, wiped his mouth and stared at Quackity.

"You deserve it. That's why." He replied and continued to eat.

"But why this? You could've just given me diamonds and said, 'Good Job'." Quackity said back

Schlatt looked up again

"I like you Quackity. You're my partner in this presidency and you deserve to be treated well. So that's what I'm doing." Schlatt said

"You were the only one to believe in me and help me win. Also don't get this mistaken as just a dinner. This is a date." He finished and started to eat his food again.

A date?

Quackity thought he was just joking when he said that earlier. Guess he wasn't.

The two enjoyed the rest of their food together with light conversation here and there.

When they both were finally done Schlatt got up and took Quackity's hand, leading him on top of the same hill from earlier.

They stood together hand in hand looking over the city.

"This is ours." Schlatt said, looking at Quackity.

"It's ours" Quackity replied, looking back at Schlatt.

They stared into each other's eyes for minutes until Schlatt finally looked away.

"I hope you had a good time Quackity." He said while turning to Quackity and kissing his hands.

After that he said bye and left Quackity standing there, still in shock of all that's happened.

The day went from terrible to amazing in such a short time, and Quackity has never seen Schlatt act like that before. He liked it but didn't understand it.

When Schlatt kissed his hands, he felt butterflies. No one had ever treated him like that.

Quackity finally got home after that long and surprising day.

He laid down on his bed thinking of the dinner with Schlatt. It made him happy, and in that very moment he realized that Schlatt had woken something inside of him up.

A newfound liking for Schlatt.


Hope you guys like it :D, next chapter will be Karl I promise! 

Thank you guys for reading this far, and remember to let me know how you think I could better this story! 

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