Chapter 28

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Quackity POV:

3 days till war

2 Days.

It's been two since Quackity and Karl saw or spoke to each other.

Two days since he saw Karl with Sapnap, hugging.

Quackity shivered at the thought of those two together again.

'Of course, this happens now. Just when me and Karl are okay again.' Quackity thought to himself scoffing, and although Quackity didn't want to admit it, he was hurt. Seeing them both together brought dark memories back to Quackity's head.

He knew it shouldn't be a big deal, seeing them together, but it just kept bothering him.

It's like it wouldn't leave his mind.

And he didn't know why.

He sought out Sam for help, and although Sam did help him, it wasn't enough. He still felt hurt, and angry.

Karl just wouldn't escape his mind, and Quackity couldn't handle it.

"Sam, I feel like I'm going to explode. It's like I'm trying to calm down, but everything just keeps coming back, and I can't stop thinking about everything. I can't stop seeing them together." Quackity said.

He was sitting on the ground with Sam, leaning against a tree.

Quackity had his head resting on his knees, and Sam had his arm around him.

"Why don't you just tell me what keeps coming to your mind. Just rant to me." Sam said while rubbing small circles into Quackity's arms.

Quackity let out a shaky sigh, "Alright, I'll try." He said and then started letting everything out.

"I don't even know where to start. I don't even understand why I'm upset at all, why am I angry? Why am I sad? Why do I feel like this? I don't know and it's frustrating me, and the more I think about it the angrier I get, and I can't stop." Quackity said continuing his rant, "And for some reason, I keep getting these bad memories from before all this happened. When me and Karl were just friends, and he was with Sapnap. All those lonely, sad nights I spent thinking about how I just wanted to be with him are coming back and I don't know why. I can't stop them. All of them just keep flooding my mind. And with all those memories, all the other memories mix in as well. I keep remembering Schlatt and what happened with him and it's making everything worse." Quackity said, to which Sam started holding him closer.

"So many memories Sam, it hurts so much. And my heart hurts, I just don't know why it's happening, and why it's happening now." Quackity said looking up at Sam, "And even with all the stuff that happened that day, you know the argument, I still don't know why I'm so angry. I shouldn't be angry or sad about this so why am I? Why do I feel like this. What even is this, Sam?" Quackity asked his friend, longing for an answer that he already knew.

He just couldn't admit it to himself.

Sam sighed and got up from his sitting position.

He put an arm out to help Quackity get up himself, and when he did, Sam hugged the man.

"Look Quackity, I can't tell you why you're feeling something or even what you're feeling, and I'm sorry for that." Sam said while rubbing Quackity's back trying to comfort him, "But what I can do is give you advice and help you through the memories." Sam continued, now pulling away from his friend and looking him in the eyes.

"You know why you feel this way, you're just concealing it. So, I suggest you spend some alone time thinking, alone. Away from everyone and everything and think. You need to figure your feelings out before I can assist you anymore." Sam said with a small smile, "I will be here for you when you're ready, but right now, you yourself need to find out the truth. As for the bad memories you can continue to tell me about them, and I'll be here to help you, okay?" Sam said and Quackity nodded, "Good. I'm sorry that you're going through a tough time, and I'll be here to help you with everything that I can. Now go relax somewhere, get away from everything, and think. Remember I'll be here for you. Always." Sam finished now letting go of Quackity who nodded in response.

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