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The picture was posted to social media. As expected, it gained some traction. Techno offered Tate to use his computer to make a YouTube video explaining what was going on. Tate excepted, thinking it was a good idea to fill her fans and friends in on where she had been.

"Hello friends, long time no see," Tate had the face cam set up towards her face, but she couldn't make eye contact with it. "This is just a update video on what's been going on. As most of you know I've taken a couple weeks off streaming, and I've been dealing with personal things. I'm currently staying with a close friend and don't have my set up with me, but they were kind enough to let me borrow theirs to make this video. I will try my best to make videos as I can, but no promises on streams. I would like to thank you for all the support you have given me while I've been gone, and while I haven't responded, I have seen all of your messages. Thank you guys so much, and remember I love and care for every single one of you,"

She stopped the recording, and with out even editing it, posted it to her channel. Earlier that day she went with Techno to get a new phone and phone number. She logged into discord deciding to text some of her friends she had missed.

Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, Niki

Hey guys, I miss you!

HI!!! I missed you so much!


Hey, T. How have you been?


Tate smiled at all of the responses, even laughing at Tommy's. On camera he was an arrogant asshole, but off of it he was pretty nice. She realized how much she missed her friends. They chatted for a bit before Tate decided to call Wilbur. He was like her big brother and best friend mixed into one. She decided she wanted to tell him the truth. He picked up after a couple rings.

"Hey, I've missed your voice so much," Wilbur called out instantly.

"Hi Wil, I've missed yours as well. I just wanted to tell you what's been going on," Tate said with a sigh of happiness. No matter what, talking to Wilbur always cheered Tate up.

"Oh, of course. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine now. So after the last stream I did I was talking to Techno, and I found out he was actually my old best friend from high school,"

"You're joking right," Wilbur said in disbelief.

"Haha, no I'm not. Anyways, my boyfriend barged in and yelled at me before I got the chance to hang up, he threw the glass from my desk and it hit me and the wall. He left the room and I decided I needed to get out. I grabbed some money I had hidden and a knife and took off, driving for hours. I called Techno back once I got to a hotel and told him everything that happened and he offered me a plane ticket to stay with him, and that's where I am now. But now Alec is trying to get me to come hone and posted a pic of me and Techno on Twitter, which you've probably seen," Tate laid everything on the table. Wilbur listened without interrupting, which is one of the things Tate loved most about him.

"Jesus Christ Tate, you told me he was demanding but not abusive. How do you think he got the picture of you?"

"Techno maybe thought he had used my phone to track me or something so I got a new one but I'm still nervous that he knows where we are now. I don't want to endanger Techno because of my recklessness on the situation. I should've turned it in or something,"

"Tate stop, you did everything you could to get out of the situation you were in, and I'm unbelievably proud of you. That man is a psycho. Do not blame his actions on yourself. You hear me? And for Techno, I'm sure he cares about you Tate. He will be there for you I promise," Wilbur interrupted Tate's rambling.

"Yeah, thank you Wilbur. I've missed you so much, but I should probably go talk to Techno, I haven't left his room after I uploaded my video,"

"Yeah, you go do that, I love you Tate,"

"I love you too, Will," Tate hung up the call and sat her phone down, talking a second to process the conversation. She was sure Wilbur was right, he usually was, but she couldn't stop herself from overthinking the situation.

Tate walked out of the room and into the living room to see Techno on the couch watching something on the television. She plopped down next to him with a sigh. "Hey, you did great," Techno said, wrapping an arm around Tate for comfort.

Tate buried her face into his side, mostly to hid her reddening face, but also for some comfort. She didn't say anything, just watched the tv while laying her head on Techno's chest.

He was glad she couldn't feel the butterflies forming in his stomach when she did so. Feeling brave he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She looked up at him with a surprise look on her face, before smiling. She didn't know what came over her but she leaned her face closer to his, it almost feeling like she had to, a magnetic force. Her lips met his, and he was star struck, he didn't respond for a second before putting a hand on her cheek.

Tate pulled away and started rambling as always, "Ah, I'm so sorry I don't know why I did that I just felt like I had to, I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable, shit I probably did," Tate didn't get to finish before Techno cut her off with his lips hitting hers once again.

"Just shut up and kiss me again, nerd,"

Hey guys! Shorter chapter for you guys, just a filler between what I'm planning for the plot, BUT THEY KISSED! I love fluff so much omg.

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