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TW: descriptions of abuse.

Tate didn't have a great relationship. She wanted to leave so badly but she was held back by him. He took all her money, only giving her enough for her streams so she could make more money for him. Alec was manipulative. He twisted Tate's mind into thinking she needed him, when she didn't.

He only recently got physical. She had no friends, for Alec made her never talk to them unless she was streaming. She would occasionally talk to Sapnap but she stopped getting personal when Alec barged in the room and screamed at her. Nick never got the information on why, so he just tried his best to talk with Tate when he could.

She was lucky she got those few precious hours to stream and be away from him. Everyday those hours get shorter and shorter, and her fans started to notice. Tate dismissed it just saying she has lots of business to attend to.

The day after her Among us stream she decided to stream some bedwars, eventually getting an invite from technoblade. They played for a while, maybe 2 hours. She ended her stream but stayed in the call with techno for a little bit.

"Tate I think I recognize where I know your voice from," techno said after a few moments of silence after the stream was ended.

"You do?" She said with curiosity. She hadn't admitted she has been thinking nonstop since her stream the day before where she knew it from, she never figured it out.

"I'm pretty sure you were my best friend for part of high school, Tate Lawson?" Techno called out. She suddenly got hit by memories after memories of hanging out with him almost everyday at school. They stopped being friends when they lost contact after she moved to Florida with her family the summer before junior year. How could she forget him! She was about to confess her feelings to him but she decided against it when they had to move. They tried to keep in contact but everyday their conversations got shorter and shorter before coming to a stop completely.

"Techno?" Tate said dumbfounded. Could this really be him?

"Yeah, it's me," He responded with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh my god, how are you?" Tate said a bit excitedly.

"I'm doing pretty alright, how are you?" Tate didn't want to admit how she really was. She hasn't talked to him for years. How was she going to spill her secrets to him? She didn't deserve his sympathy anyway. "Tate?" Techno said when she didn't answer right away.

"Oh sorry, I'm doing okay!" She responded with fake enthusiasm, hoping he didn't notice. The two talked for about ten minutes about their memories together. All of a sudden Alec slammed the door open.

"Tate who the fuck are you talking to? Your stream ended a while ago!" Alec yelled. Tate didn't even have time to mute before she was shoved to the floor, tears spilling out her eyes. Her glass of water that was previously sat beside her at the desk was thrown at the wall, the glass falling in her. She got a few cuts, nothing she hasn't had before.

"J-Just a streamer friend! Don't worry babe!" She said standing up trying to calm the man down.

"You know the fucking rules. You don't fucking talk to anyone except when you stream! How else am I supposed to know you're not trying to call for help?" Alec yelled. Tate figured out he probably didn't know she didn't mute the call. She earned a slap across the face from him. She secretly hoped Techno heard what was happening, but she knew he couldn't do anything. "Clean this fucking mess up, then make dinner and don't speak to me," Alec left the room.

Tate sat there looking at her wounds trying to asses the damage done to her, until she realized Techno was still in the call. She hurried and muttered something along the lines of "I've got to go," and hung up against his protests. She swept up the glass before going to the bathroom to clean her cuts. She looked at herself in the mirror. How did I get to this point? How did we let him do this to us, Tate? Tate looked at her dark circles under her eyes and the slashes across her face. She hoped they wouldn't scar. She started for 5 more minutes before gaining an unknown bravery. She ran back to her recording room and grabbed her phone. Then she went to the kitchen casually because Alex would expect her to be making dinner for him. She grabbed a knife. Just in case. We need to get out of here. She then looked in the cupboard for her secret stash of money. She had about $1000. She grabbed it then quietly grabbed the keys and went out the back door.

Tate ran as fast as she could to the car, jumping in without even putting a seat belt on. Alec ran out the front door, obviously noticing her escape. He grabbed the car door before she could pull away. Tate locked the doors and started to back up quickly, pulling away from the house without even caring about him still holding onto the door handle. He fell as she pulled away. She drove without any real destination.


After about two hours of mindlessly driving on the freeway, she needed gas. She pulled up to a gas station and grabber her phone. She had about 200 discord messages from Techno. She didn't even bother to read them before calling him. He picked up almost immediately. "Tate what the hell happened?" Techno's voice no longer flat and monotone. "Who was that?"

"M-my boyfriend, Alec." Tate finally said. The tears now seeming to spill out in a constant stream. She never wanted this to happen. She didn't deserve sympathy, she got herself into this didn't she?

"Tate how long has this been going on?" Techno said with worry. He didn't know entirely what was happening, but from what he overheard in the call he got a pretty good idea. He was worried. He may not have had any contact with Tate for the past 5 years, but he still considered her his closest friend. He never became close with anyone else after Tate left. He couldn't handle it if they left too.

"We started dating around three years ago, but it never got violent physically until this past year. The last two years he emotionally manipulated me, stole all the money I made from streaming and YouTube videos, and made me cut off all ties to anyone in my life. I haven't talked to my parents in a year and a half, I have no idea how they are or where they are. I tried calling them but they must have gotten a new phone number so I can't get a hold of them. You were the only other person I thought of to call." Tate rambled. She had no idea why she was telling him everything, she worked so hard on her shell, he just seemed to crack in a matter of days.

"Shit, okay. Uh, where are you right now?" Techno said trying to figure out what to do. He had no idea if she was even safe or had anything. He immediately looked at flights to California from Florida just in case.

"I don't know. I only grabbed my phone, a knife, and the car. I grabbed about a thousand dollars I had hidden, but that's it" Tate looked around the car to see if she could find anything. She only found one of Alec's hoodies, she put in her headphones so she could easily stay on the phone. She walked inside the convenience store with the hoodie and went into the bathroom to throw it away.

"How hurt are you?" Techno questioned. He was still debating if he should book a flight for her to come stay with him to get away. Instead of telling him she just turned on the camera and showed her face. Techno looked at her face in shock. Her soft features were adorned with cuts on her cheeks and nose. Her soft brown eyes were bloodshot and she had dark circles. He stared at her for a second before deciding he was gonna ask her to come to California.

"Oh my god, Tate. I'm booking you a flight to California to stay with me. I want you as far away from him as possible" Techno said with newly found protectiveness in his voice. Tate didn't have anything on her, it might be the best idea. She also really missed her old best friend, she could really use someone to help her too. Tate didn't doubt for a second that Alec would try to find her. This will be good for me.

"Okay, I think that is actually a good idea." As Tate walked back to her car she grabbed some food and talked over the details of her flight to California. To her distaste, Techno would be paying, but she really had no choice did she? The flight was booked for tomorrow at eight in the morning. Tate stayed on the phone until she got to a hotel close to the airport. She payed for a room while the person at the front desk eyed her cautiously due to her appearance. Tate brushed it off and decided to stay on the phone with Techno until she went to the airport.


Chapter two! I hope you all enjoyed! I promise this story wont be all sad and crap but i really want to show you Tate's backround so you guys can understand her actions later in the story. We will eventually get to some cutsey stuff dw, and ofc im not gonna portray techno as someone he's not so im trying my best to get his mannerisms down but ofc someones gonna be worried in this situation.

Dont be a silent reader!! Give me feedback! Dont forget to vote! And as always my DM's are always open :)))

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