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As Tate got to the airport she saw she had around twenty missed calls from Alec. She looked at his contacts for a minute before blocking it. I won't let him get to me.

Techno insisted that they stayed on the phone but somewhere around two hours ago he fell asleep. Tate stayed on the phone until she had to get in line for security. She hung up and shot him a message to make sure he wasn't too worried.

You fell asleep. I stayed on the phone until I got to security, I'll text you when I board :)

When she was happy with the message she sent it, and pocketed her phone. I better tweet something to make sure my fans know I'm not going to be online.

Tate sat down at her terminal and thought of what to tell her fans without giving away too much, but also not worrying them. She was still nervous. So much had happened in the past twenty-four hours that her brain hurt. She never got a chance to truly process what had happened until now due to being on the phone with Techno. It was crazy how fast she trusted him. Even though they were friends before, it was still around five years ago and people change right? Right. She knew that for a fact. Alec wasn't always like this. When they had first met he was quite the opposite. He was sweet and charming. That's what drew Tate in. She wanted to feel wanted. It was her first relationship since she moved to Florida. She became quite closed off. Her mindset had changed. She truly believed no one stayed in your life. She had missed Techno with a burning passion but she couldn't bring herself to reach out.

Hi friends! I'm going to be taking a bit off from posting and steaming for a bit! I'm going to be taking some time for myself! I'll miss you!

Tate wasn't truly impressed with what she wrote. She just couldn't think of anything better. She had around half an hour before her flight boarded, so she decided to busy herself watching Techno's videos. She wanted to know how he was online.

"Attention, flight 31-B is now boarding," the lady on the speakers called. Tate got so wound up watching Technoblade videos the time passed almost instantly. She shot Techno a quick message saying she was boarding, Him still not being awake. His online persona was so different from what it was when she knew him all those years ago. He was monotone and was sarcastic. She wondered if her move affected him as bad as it affected her. She was lucky, she got a row all to herself, which was surprising due to the last minute booking. She didn't have anything on her, not even a carry on. I guess that's what happens when you have to escape from your own home. She then realized her computer was at her house. With Alec. She didn't trust him not to ransack her accounts trying to hijack her money to him now that she was gone. She almost wouldn't be surprised if he posted something against her from it.

Tate asked the flight attendant if the plane had WiFi. She has to change the passwords on pretty much everything tied to her name. To her luck, the plane did, and it was fairly decent WiFi too. She spent the next hour changing all her passwords, and even making a completely new email and attached her accounts to that. Better safe than sorry.  She then spent the rest of the flight watching more Technoblade videos.


As her plane came to a stop she turned her phone off airplane mode. She had a few messages from Techno.

Ugh I didn't mean to fall asleep I'm so sorry.

Be safe, text me when you land, I'm finishing setting up the spare room now.

She smiled at the messages. It was nice to have someone who genuinely cared about her. At least she thought he did. She had to hope he did. Instead of texting him she decided to call him. After the first three rings he picked up.

"Hey how was your flight?" The monotone voice rang out.

"It was pretty nice actually, I got a whole row to myself surprisingly. Where are you? I'm in the east wing," Tate said looking around. She had to admit she didn't really know what he looked like. Sure she knew what he looked like when they were sixteen but he had to have grown up since then.

"I'm at the Starbucks at the entrance to the east wing, I'm the only one here so you can't miss me," he said.

Tate walked until she saw the Starbucks sign, suddenly feeling nervous. She hasn't seen him in a long time. She didn't know what he'd think of her now? What if now that they're in person he wouldn't like her being around? She pushed the thoughts away as she walked up seeing a tall man sitting at a table looking by the opposite way. Her breath hitched. He had grown significantly taller than when she had last seen him. He had to tower over her, even though she wasn't that short for a girl. "I see you," she rang out, ending the call. She slid her phone into her pocket and shook her hands out as she walked up to him.

Techno turned around and she got a full look at his features. He was actually pretty cute, not that he wasn't before. Her memories flooded over with the thoughts of liking him before she moved. She walked up to him. "Hey," she didn't look him in the eyes.

"Hi, you okay?" He said with concern. He looked her in the face, probably looking at her cuts.

"Yeah, just- it's been a lot," Tate said finally looking up at him.

"Yeah. I get it. You ready?" He asked, his monotone voice not wavering.

"Yeah, I don't have anything else," She said simply, looking away.

"You have no clothes?" Techno asked, his voice slighting lifting at the end of the sentence.

"Nope, I just left. I guess I'll use the money I have to get some," Tate said with a slight laugh.

"We could go now, but I'm sure you're tired? I could just lend you some clothes and we can wash yours and tomorrow or something we could go shopping?" Techno said sort of fast. He seemed just about as nervous as she did.

"Yeah if you don't mind, I didn't really get any sleep last night," Tate said. She felt safe with him, something she hadn't felt in years.


Thank you for reading! An update everyday for three days? Crazy. Anyways remember I love to hear your feedback! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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