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Tate woke up at her usual time of eleven in the morning to stream on her twitch channel. She did her morning routine that consisted of showering, brushing her teeth, getting dressed and putting her makeup on. Anything to hide the effects of her unrest full sleep and hours of crying.

To her viewers Tate was a bubbly, soft, and genuinely happy girl. She never let her facade down, she didn't crave pity, and she definitely did not crave sympathy. She wanted to be the person her viewers thought they could come to to talk about their problems, not hers. So everyday she acts.

Soon she would be  in for a surprise. 

She joined the discord with a bunch of her friends and some new people she hasn't had the chance to meet yet. They were going to play some rounds of among us as it is a pretty popular and fun game at the moment. Today she would be playing with her friends Dream, Sapnap, Georgenotfound, Tommyinnit, Tubbo, Wilbur Soot, as well as a few others. 

"Hello chat! Welcome to the stream as always. Today we are playing Among us!" Tate did her usual intro to her stream as everyone loaded into the game. "I'll try to look at chat as much as possible but as I will be playing with others today it will be a bit hard."

"WOMAN!!" Tommy yelled into his mic, as she was the first girl to join the call. Tubbo also said hello.

"Hello Tommy! Nice to talk to you again! As well as you Tubbo!" Tate and the younger boys had a pretty decent friendship despite her being 3 years older than them. The others joined the call and she met Niki and Fundy. They were still waiting on someone named Technoblade, she was informed he had to still set up his stream and then he would join.

"THE BLADE," Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur chimed in as Techno joined. 

"Hello," a deep monotone voice called out. Tate swore she could recognize the voice, but she couldn't figure out where she knew it from. 

"Alright why don't we all stand in a line and one by one we move out and introduce ourselves? Tate knows some of us but not everyone yet." Wilbur suggested. Everyone agreed and they all got in a line. First to stand out was Tommy.

"My name is Tommyinnit and I hate women except Tate."

"My name is Tubbo!"

"I'm dream."


"Sapnap is what they call me but of course you knew that already."

"My name is Wilbur."

"My name is Niki!"

"I'm Fundy and I'm not a furry, don't listen to them."

"Technoblade" The monotonous voice said his simple intro, Tate was still trying to figure out where she knew it.

Tate stepped out for her turn at last. "Hi! My name is Tate! I'm new here for some of you!" She said her bubbly intro.

"You sound familiar," Technoblade said as the round started, but before Tate could say the same she had to mute. 

The first few rounds went by quickly. In between meetings Tate would talk to her chat. "Chat I know I recognize Techno's voice from somewhere, and he said he recognizes mine too! So that eliminates me somehow watching his videos and not remembering." Her and her chat thought throughout her stream where they knew each other from.

On their last round she was paired with Techno as impostor. The first round Tate killed dream and Fundy, and Tubbo's body was reported meaning Techno killed him.

"Alright, three kills. These impostors have no chill!" Tommy said as the meeting was held.

"Who was with who this round? I was with Fundy most of the round but he left to go fix oxygen and then the meeting was called" Tate called out. 

"So you killed him?" Sapnap accused. 

"What? No! I was doing my wires in electrical!!" Tate rebounded.

"I can confirm I saw her in there. I was with Goggy for the round," Wilbur said.

"Tommy and I were together," Techno said in his usual monotone voice.

"Uh, The Blade you left me after we spawned in big man," Tommy said confused.

"No," Techno said simply.

"Techno that's a bit sus," said George and Wilbur. Techno eventually got voted out. The next round Tommy was Voted out, leaving Tate, Wilbur, George, and Niki left in the last round. Tate killed George and then the body was reported. 

"GOGGY NO!" Wilbur yelled into his mic, hurting Tate's ears. She turned her volume down a bit as her chat laughed at her reaction. "It's got to be Tate. Niki its Tate."

"Niki no! I have been cleared but almost everyone this entire game! And you know who hasn't? Wilbur!" Tate exclaimed hoping to get Niki to be on her side.

"That is true Wil," Niki said in her soft voice.

"THIS IS FUCKING RIGGED!" Wilbur yelled as he was ejected. 

"Yay, we won Techno!" Tate exclaimed. They all chatted for a bit before they all left to end their streams. Tate did her outro and ended her stream. She sighed and her boyfriend slammed into the room with an angry expression.

Here we go again  Tate thought. 


Welcome to "To Be Wanted"! This is my first fanfiction so please go easy on me.  I know this is pretty slow so far but i want to establish Tate's backround. Her backround will contain details of abuse mentally and physically so please be careful with reading, I will put a warning at the beginning of chapters with it. Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT BE A SILENT READER!! GIVE ME FEEDBACK! Please comment and vote it will help me so much. Also dont be shy to leave suggestions in the comments or constructive criticism! Thank you!

To Be Wanted - A Technoblade x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن