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The police got involved. Something Tate would have never guess would've happened. The girl stayed in her room and did as she was instructed by Clay, whist at the same time trying to figure out how to contact the man she shared an apartment with. 

 This was one of the times Techno decided to power his phone off. While being with family, and adding on top of that his introverted personality, the notifications popping up on his phone became overwhelming, and instead of just simply turning off the notifications, he powered his phone off completely. 

How convenient.

Tate was still freaking out. 

The police were informed, and the brunette was told it wouldn't be their top priority tonight as there were some more serious crimes going on in their area.

Again, how convenient.

So, Tate did what she did best. She cried. And then cried some more, until she could not possibly produce another tear from her eyes. She was overly paranoid, as anyone would be in this situation, and checked the locks every five minutes. When she was not doing this, she was hiding in the comforts of Techno's room, seeking any kind of condolences the man could not provide at this current moment. 

This routine went on all night. Tate was too paranoid to go on her phone, but also terrified so she stayed on it. A perfect combination. As her eyes began to finally droop is when she received the phone call from Techno.

"Hey, is everything good?" The mans voice was laced with confusion. He had only left his phone  off for one night?

Tate couldn't get the words out before she started sobbing. "No, Techno. It's not. You couldn't have chosen a worse time to turn your phone off." And with that the girl recalled everything that had happened in the past night. 

Techno was, to put it lightly, shocked. How could everything go wrong all at once as soon as he left? He had sworn to protect this girl, and failed. Miserably. 

"Okay, uh, I'll come home right now. I'll just tell my family something came up. Do- Do you need anything when I get back, like do you need me to stop by at the store?" Techno pulled a hand down his face, not knowing what to feel, except that he felt horrible. 

"No, no. I just want you home. Please be careful, Techno. I don't know if it's true or not, or if he's outside. I could just be over reacting and making you cut your trip short, and if that's the case i feel terrible." 

"Tate, listen to me," The sound of the car echoed throughout the call, him bidding his farewells silently as the girl on the opposite line rambled, something Techno was quite accustomed to. "Your safety is my top priority right now, I shouldn't have left in the first place. If anyone feels terrible it's me."

The two stayed on the phone the entirety of Techno's journey home. As soon as he walked in the door, remembering to lock it once again behind him, he engulfed Tate in a hug. Her sobs shook their hug, but Techno didn't care. 


The next week was spent locked inside their shared apartment, clinging to each other, and not leaving the room without another. The police had called them back to inform them they would look into it, and to remain safe. It could take anywhere from a week or more to solve the problem. 

Another problem presented itself to the duo. Techno's streaming. There was to be a huge lore stream that day, and he had a big part in it. He wasn't sure if he should take part in it, both him and Tate staying away from social media, as everyone is sure to have found out their current situation from the donation played. 

Dream and Wilbur both mentioned to Techno that he didn't have to stream if it made them uncomfortable, but Tate refused Techno's offer to cancel his stream. 

"I don't want to tear you away from this. It will be fine," Is the mantra Tate had been saying all week. So, when it came time to stream, she laid on the bed across the room from Techno's setup and watched him stream, as well as pray that everything goes smoothly.

Tate quite enjoyed watching Techno play, and get into the lore as the stream went along. She watched all the way until the end. Apart from Techno's chat asking what happened and if Tate is okay, everything went according to plan. He dismissed his chat at the beginning of the stream to say that Tate is perfectly fine. He then ignored his chat, wondering if the rest of the SMP had similar chats as to his own. 

Afterwards, Techno joined Tate on his bed, and they just enjoyed themselves together, both sighing in content their lives seemed to began going slightly back to normal, at least for an hour.

Hey guys! I just wanted to say that i think i am okay with continuing this book, but if I find out Techno is uncomfortable with this type of story i will take it down.

As always, Thank you guys for all the support! I appreciate it more than you will ever know.

To Be Wanted - A Technoblade x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant