In Which the Witch Does (Not) Murder

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Calypso wanted to kill him, but she controlled herself.

"How ya doin', sunshine?" The sheer NERVE of him. 

She smiled involuntarily, lips pressed against his soft neck. His pulse sped up in response, and Calypso had a hard time repressing the giggles. Eyes closed, her fingertips grazed his cheekbone, the corner of his eye, the tip of an elvish ear. He pulled her closer and began tracing patterns on her back, gradually working his way up to the strap of her chiton. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up quickly, taking a breath in-

"Leo Valdez, if you think I've spent months nursing you to health, and you don't even kiss me before taking off my dress-"

"Woah, sunshine, who said anything about not kissing you first?" Leo grinned up at her from the pillows, hands in a gesture of peace at odds with the look on his face. His warm dark eyes were flecked with gold, framed by long eyelashes, crinkled up from his smile. Calypso's heart slammed into her rib cage, pounding hot blood through her whole body. She realized that she was sitting on him, her knees on either side of his hips. Leo seemed to read her mind and his cheeks glowed rose red.

Calypso gave her most wicked grin and leaned down toward him. Leo gulped. She slipped one arm around his neck, and with her other hand brushed hair off his face.

"Maybe I'll have to kiss you instead."

* * *

Leo watched the rise and fall of her breathing. Moonlight danced on her bare shoulder, pale as snow, and caught in the shining ripples of hair that fell loose across the bed. Her face was half shrouded in shadow, but Leo could still see the faint outline of a smile. He grinned. His lips tingled, remembering the warmth of her silky mouth on his, the echoes of her long-awaited kisses. She had tasted sweeter than honey.

She twisted in her sleep, her willowy body stretching across silver dunes made of linen bedsheets. Her head came to rest on Leo's shoulder, legs tangled up with his, arm thrown across his chest. Leo cradled her close, her soft form more human than goddess in his arms. Her breathing tickled him, a quiet rhythm that mimicked waves washing up on the sand.

Leo's eyes grew heavy and his head fell back against comfortable pillows. The last thing he saw was the bright moon through a hole in the roof of the cave.

That night, he dreamed of small silver flowers, blooming under the gentle light.

That night, he dreamed of small silver flowers, blooming under the gentle light

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Image credit: kouno1218, elena

The Mechanic and the Witch- Leo x CalypsoWhere stories live. Discover now