"Hi, again," she whispered as she gently pressed her finger to her baby's chubby flushed cheeks and her blue eyes met hers. "You are perfect, and you are so loved," she said, tears sliding down her face as she brushed her forehead against her daughter's. Nik then slid down onto the floor as he wrapped his arms around his wife and child. It was such a simple thing that just hours ago he thought he'd never be able to experience. As they sat there for minutes on end, Isa's frightened shudders slowly subsided as she relished the warmth of being in her husband's arms whilst finally holding the baby that had been growing inside of her for the last nine months.

Their little family moment was ruined though when Elijah and Katherine returned because Elijah simply had to inform Nik of what happened at that very moment. The two boys moved into Nik and Isa's bedroom as Katherine leaned on the doorframe of the nursery.

"Do I finally get to meet the baby I helped care for, for the last nine months, or is someone else going to try and kill her?" Katherine asked sarcastically before Isa rolled her eyes at her. The doppelganger then moved to kneel next to Isa as she leaned over to look at the baby, Isa not being able to part with her just yet.

"Baby girl, meet your Aunt Kat," Isa introduced as her daughter's brilliant blue eyes settled on Katherine and she seemed to smile as she gurgled.

"Really?" Katherine asked in disbelief and Isa raised a brow.

"You stuck around this long, I assumed you were in it for the long run. You'll be Aunt Kat eventually, will you not?"

Katherine smirked at her. "You really do read everything about everyone," she said and it wasn't a question.

"It's a gift," she boasted.

"I wonder what gifts you'll have. Let's hope for everyone's sake that you take after your mother," Katherine remarked as she let the baby squeeze at her finger.

"With those blue eyes? We should toss a coin," Isa replied before their playful mood was ruined as they heard what the boys were discussing outside.

"We should've felt our mother's hand in this. We should've known she would not be bound by anything as obvious as death," Nik spoke tiredly as he and Elijah sat at the foot of his bed. "But now she has control of the witches. They will never stop."

"No," Elijah agreed.

"Nor would I expect the Guerrera wolves to back down. My child is wolf royalty, as am I, and as such we are a threat to Francesca's leadership. And without the rings, Julian and the rest of the wolves cannot overpower her. She won't be safe. We are surrounded by enemies from every angle, our own mother included and now I've brought into the world a weapon they can use against me. A perfect weapon." His words were self-deprecating but that didn't make them any less true.

"Then we will arm ourselves. Brother, we have faced every adversary in this town, in history, and we have won. And we will fight them again, no matter who they are. We will make this home a fortress."

Nik shook his head. "Isa and I both grew up living in cages of some sort and we will not subject her to living her life as a prisoner."

"Then we leave here, together. All of us," Elijah suggested.

"We spent a thousand years running, Elijah. Isa and I did not defy nature to bring our child into the world just so she could live the same life. It is not a life, brother. Running, surviving, living out of a suitcase. They will hunt her. She has inherited all of our enemies and she has none of our defences."

"So whether we stay or we leave, we condemn her," Elijah realised.

"There's another option," she said as she stood in front of the boys, baby held close in her arms and Katherine behind her. "I was an orphan. I was abandoned. I never knew my parents. And you," she looked to her husband, "you weren't loved by yours. And we made a promise that our daughter would not have that kind of a life. We promised that she would always have someone to love her and guide her through life; a safe life. A life where she would be free. Free of the traumas that plagued us." Isa's tears began to fall then. "And here she is, on her first day of life with a grandmother hellbent on sacrificing her. And wolves out to get her to manipulate us." Her sobs sounded for a second before she took a deep breath and looked up, a tear still sliding down her face. "The only thing left to do is send her away, while we clean up the mess." Her heart fractured into a million pieces as she spoke the words that caused her more pain then any spell, then any torture could. Her knees threatened to give out as Elijah stood.

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