☀️The Form☀️

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Ah yes, now is the time for you to fill out the form and join the team as your adventure awaits! But wait! I did forget to mention something important!

You're wondering what kind of a character you can use? Don't worry. I can tell you that you can use whatever you want! Whether you made a new one for this contest or use your character from your current fantasy book!

And as for the race of the character, it can also be anything. From human wizards/witches to elves and orcs, you can even put your own race in the book. For instance, I created a race known as the Meanians. Those who've read LOD will recognise them. And that means I can make a character that is a Meanian.

So for me, I'll be putting one of my characters from my current book into this contest to give you an example throughout the entire quest. Yeah, basically, I'm joining too!

Enough giving out the rules! It's time to fill out the form!



Character's name:

Male or Female?:

Race? (e.g. elf):

If your character is from a new race, please write a short description of this race (e.g. Meanians are...):

Occupation (e.g. wizard/warrior/ or even a princess or prince?):


Short description of the character's personality, strengths and weaknesses:

Have you followed me?:

Did you add this book to your reading list?:


Tags (maximum 5):

Final Question to answer and add to your form:

Which platform do you prefer to use when you collaborate?

(e.g. Discord, Wattpad Private Message, or share a google doc etc.)

After you fill out the form please, please share this book on your profile so people can see it! And if you did, you will be accepted into the contest! And don't forget to mention me so I can see that you shared!

Now here's my example (and also proof that I'll join XD)

Username: @Owls1221

Character's name: Fearian Onel Grevalon

Male or Female?: Male

Race?: Meanian, Meanians are a race of humanoid creatures that have various and vibrant skin colours and wings that some have, and each Meanian weighs about ten men and has the strength of ten men in one body.

Occupation: A warrior ( and a single father)

Ability: Shadow magic and Fear magic

Short description of the character's personality, strength and weakness: Fearian is known as the Naught of the kingdom due to his misbehaviour and joking personality. However, he doesn't mind violating laws that prevent his loved ones or others from being happy. So he doesn't mind stealing bread and giving it to the hungry.

As for his ability, he was spawned with Fear magic and was gifted with Shadow magic at a young age, this enables him to summon and manipulate shadows at his will. For his other ability, he can touch a person to summon their biggest fears and use these fears as his weapons and defense. For example, if a person was afraid of spiders, Fearian will touch them and summon their fears into existence. Thus using spiders to attack and defend.

Fearian isn't physically weak, yet when it comes to remembering his past, that's where he loses focus and gets distracted by his dark flashbacks, causing his shadow magic to go beyond his control.

So that's all I got for you today! I hope you join this amazing write-off, and I wish you and your character good luck!

See you later, Warriors!

Yours, Miss Owls

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