Christmas with them!!

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Hey guys! I'm back :) Unfortunately, it's been a while since I've come up with *creative* chapters and just chapters in general. So, here it is! Another sucky chapter! I'd just like to apologize for not being as active as I hoped. Hopefully, this chapter makes up for not. Consider this a late Christmas gift. Oh, and happy New Years! Now, ONWARD!!

Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Schuyler
•Alex takes off work the whole month even though he doesn't have to
•He buys gifts like 3 weeks in advanced
•He wastes most of the money
•Eliza is disappointed
•Even though she's mad, they both make killer food together
•You guys have a little family memory thing
•You guys play Pie Face
•Alex gets pied immediately
•Christmas Eve, you guys all do cartwheels in the backyard for no apparent reason

Aaron Burr
•Aaron also takes the whole month off
•You guys go see the Christmas lights in your neighborhood
•No one's was better than yours
•You and Theo fight over who's ugly sweater looks the best
•Your dad won
•You all went to bed early so you could wake up early to open gifts
•You put lights and a wreath on Theo Sr's grave.

John Laurens
•You all had a turtle themed Christmas
•Instead of a white Christmas, it was a green one!
•Your uncles came over for dinner and you all played games
•You got pet turtle for Christmas!
•You got your dad a t-shirt from the beach with a huge turtle on the back, and on the front it said 'Turtle Dad'
•You both loved and treasured your gifts

Marquis de Lafayette
•You guys travelled to France for Christmas
•it. Was. Amazing
•you both saw the Eiffel Tower and took sooo many photos
•You met your dad's old friends
•y'all ate fresh baguettes for dinner
•it was the best day ever
•even better, you two had the chance to send out postcards

Hercules Mulligan
•Ireland away!
•You two went crazy on Christmas.
•eggnog, cookies, pies, you two almost burnt down the house
•eating it all was the best part!
•Hercules made some homemade stockings for you two

Thomas Jefferson
•you two stayed home
•your dad made like 3 bowls of Mac and cheese for dinner
•you two are it all up and had stomach aches at the end of the night
•it was worth it though!
•you two started singing Christmas carols super SUPER loudly
•And by Christmas carols, I mean Mariah Carey

James Madison
•you two had to stay home, since your dad was quite sick
•it was way more fun than you thought
•both of you had the best time simply laying around and having fun
•you even made him a pie by yourself
•sharing is caring! (Even though he ate most of it)

George Washington
•your friends came over and you all had the best time
•secret service was everywhere, but you couldn't care less
•your dad even came decked out in a freaking Santa suit
•it was all over the news and it was amazing

Angelica Schuyler
•visiting the family is best way to celebrate Christmas!!
•you two visited Alex and Eliza with gifts galore
•you two spent soooo much money on gifts for them
• "the best quality for the best people.." ~your mother
•Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, any expensive thing you can think of, your mom got it
•She also got you some pretty darn expensive stuff too

Peggy Schuyler
(Out of ideas)

Maria Reynolds
•you two stayed home for the holidays
•going out wouldn't have been the best idea, so your father and mother went out to get gifts
•it wasn't the biggest Christmas, but it definitely was worth it
•you got what you wanted (gift-wise)
•your dad didn't stay for Christmas very long

King George III
•the entire palace was decorated in decorations
•you know what that means!
•lots of celebrities came, but none compared to your dad
•he had his Christmas crown on (yes, he has different crowns for different holidays)
•it dazzled and sparkled and it was so beautiful it was just chef's kiss
•he let you wear it
•you almost fell over it was so heavy
Samuel Seabury
(Also no ideas)

Phillip Hamilton
•He got you a poetry book because you both love poetry
•You got him a new notebook, since his old one was almost filled.
•you both wrote poems on Christmas
•Alex and Eliza came over to celebrate
•you all just had the best time
•Eliza brought an old photo album with Phillip' baby pics inside it
•he was embarrassed to say the least
•though, it was funny when he brought out your baby pics

A/N: Aaaand that was the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it! I pushed myself so hard to finish this for y'all! And I will say these next chapters may not come out soon, so be prepared for some slow updates. Not only that, I'm kinda falling out of the fandom. So, please don't expect me to work very endlessly on this book because I'm kinda moving on. That being said, I'll still write here, it'll just be a slow update time. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this!

Word count: 881

Until next time....


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