~How they make it up to you

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A/N: hey! I know I've been doing two other books at the moment, but this is just fun! So, this is the last thing in my draft box, so leave requests because I need it right about now. Also, I wanna do a Q&A. So give me questions! Now, I am pretty busy with school and all that jazz, but just for y'all:

If you have discord, please join my group. It's a place for feels, fun ect ect. Here's the code:

https://discord.gg/EzGUaFDr btw, I don't have Nitro, so the code may not work. Just do me for the code, or ask in the comments. Now that that's good, ONWARD!!

Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Schuyler
It was now Saturday and your father was still in his office doing work. You heard footsteps and your dad came down from upstairs.
You sighed and thought that he was just going to get food and head back upstairs, but he sat down and smiled at you.
"Listen Y/N, I know that I've been caught up in my work lately and I haven't had time to spend with you. So, I bought us tickets to the carnival!"
You looked up in joy. The carnival was the one place you absolutely wanted to go! And now you could!
"Better get ready, we leave in 30 minutes!" He said excitedly.
"Oh my gosh, thanks so much!"
Aaron Burr
As your dad walked to the park, you held a few lanterns. You gave one to Theo and one got your dad. You wrote 'We ❤️ you and miss you mom' on the lanterns. It was Theo Sr.'s birthday today. It wasn't a party per se, but it was a celebration. You looked into the sky as your dad hugged you and your sister. You released the lanterns and smiled.
John Laurens
He simply apologized about embarrassing you, and you two went out to ice cream.
Marquis de Lafayette
Hercules Mulligan
You explained to him why you punched her, and told him it was simply impulse. He hugged you and you two went to go beat up Samantha.

Kidding! He just let you blow off some steam at the gym.
Thomas Jefferson
(I don't have an argument, so leave requests)
James Madison
He made up for missing your talent show by holding his own little talent show.
George Washington
He let you loose off of security for two days. You had sooo much freedom, but at the same time you (somewhat) missed the protection.
Angelica Schuyler
Your mother explained to you about the ball, giving up Alexander, and marrying your dad. You understood why she wasn't satisfied..
Peggy Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
You (eventually) forgave your mom for cheating and all that jazz, but things were never the same.
King George III
He made it up to you by taking you to America! He enjoyed it more than he should have, but he still resented them.
Samuel Seabury
Phillip Hamilton

A/N: I'm sorry for all the N/A's it's because theres no argument to even begin with. And I'm also very sorry these were short af. It's because school is very stressful and I'm really late putting this out. Pretty pretty PLEASE send me requests because I'm out of ideas rn. And I'm thinking about doing a q&a, so send me questions, or request! You all are the best :). Enjoy the rest of your day!

Word count: 588

Until next time...


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