35. Day3- Shiva-Parvati Pujan

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Hiii my lovely readers... 😍😍😍😘😘😘

Mahamahim Bheeshma, like his usual self looked at all the arrangements for the ceremony, but his mind was elsewhere. His thoughts were preoccupied, and he was troubled over something.


It's confusing as hell. When everything was going in a straight path, why did his mischievous grandson has to turn the world upside down. And now seeing the desolate and grim expression on Arjun's face is making him more gloomy.

Because he feels him and is feeling guilty now.

He pondered over the thought of Amba. How would she might have felt if she saw him with another woman when he has to reject her involuntary.

This is the bottom of the matter, he sighed.

No matter how much he tried to think of Amba, his mind concentrated on Shikha only. This is a madness he is living. They are under the same roof but far away from each other.  He has started to miss her now. Badly.

She has been angry with him because of his idiotic behaviour. But he needed to do it for Amba.

Amba is his guilt-card he doesn't want to play. He wants to keep her in his conscience, knowing he has done unjust to her.

She is not that, muttered Gangaputra Bheeshma to himself.

Vāsudev came to him and spoke in his playful tone.

Vāsudev- Mahamahim Bheeshma! Pranipaat! You look worried???!!!

Bheeshma- Pranipaat Vāsudev! I'm not worried. Just thinking.

Vāsudev(smiling)- And what you are thinking???

Bheeshma- It's complicated.

Vāsudev chuckled heartily.

Vāsudev- Sometimes the things we think complicated are the simplest one. What we need is to just see it in another way.

Bheeshma's one corner of the lips lifted in amusement.

Bheeshma- This time it's really complicated.

Vāsudev- Then I'm all ears to know about it, if you don't mind.

Bheeshma(sighing)- You know everything and yet asking... Alright.. If one already have someone in his mind, then isn't it a betrayal to think about someone else... Even it's for love or marriage or something else???

Vāsudev smiled. He knew Bheeshma's dilemma and perplexity. And it's a good thing that he is thinking about it.

Vāsudev- I understand what you are asking.  It's quite common for a man to have many women/wives in this time??? Be it anything, for alliance, love or whatever... It's alright. No? Even you had done the same thing for your brother Vichitravirya. You abducted three princesses for him and moreover sisters.

Bheeshma's- That's different. But..

Vāsudev- But what Mahamahim???

Gangaputra Bheeshma really was confused on how to say it. Vāsudev know that Bheeshma would never admit his feelings, as speaking it louder will affirm that indeed he felt. So he made it easier for him.

Vāsudev- You must be worried over Parth???

Bheeshma- Yeah!

Nice save, thought Bheeshma. Vāsudev smiled.

Vāsudev- He is already open about his feelings. Their is nothing to be worried about him. The rest lays on the hands of the girls.

Bheeshma- What if anyone's heart is broken???

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