Chapter 20- Chamada Telefónica

Start from the beginning

We obviously knew each other a few weeks in advance to us getting together and quite a lot happened in those few weeks. It's crazy to think now about all the time we spent together and it being such a short period of time. We stayed with each other most nights and met each others family.

Now about 8 months since I said goodbye to them all it's also so crazy how much changed as well. Gio is in love with an extremely pretty girl and has matured. Jax and Gio finally took over from their fathers. Our families are now allies which I'm so grateful for.

"Do you think about us?" He asks and I smile.

"Of course I do. I think about all the fun and laughs we had. We were so happy Jax. The happiest I was is when I was with you." I say smiling at the memories.

"Me too." He agrees and even that simple sentence alone makes me so happy.

"So I know New York isn't an ideal place for you considering everything that happened so I'm just thinking about what you'd feel comfortable doing here." He says softly.

"If you get uncomfortable and want to go home, let one of us know and we'll get you on a plane in the next three hours." He says making me smile.

"Maybe we can do a few things, have a few days out." He says and my smile grows.

Jax really had grown and matured which makes him so much more irresistible. He's an amazing guy but the fact he'd do anything for us at this rate makes me so grateful I met him. I don't need anything from him but knowing how hard he's trying and wants to be in our lives makes me so happy.

We spoke for the majority of the night till about 6am New York time as Jax had to go to the gym but it was about 3am here. Once the call ended I climbed into bed beside Alannah and waited for sleep to over come me.

When I woke up, Alannah was still fast asleep so I stayed beside her and thought of a few things we could do today.

Once it was around 9am I woke Alannah up and we got out of bed and went into the living room. I sat her down on the sofa and put Sofia the first on and then went to make breakfast.

Considering it's quite warm here in LA I don't want much to eat. I decided on pop tarts and we are going to have some fruit as well.

Once the pop tarts were done I stood infront of the island and then started cutting up some fruit. Alannah had ran over to the island and sat on the island and helped her self to some of the fruit I was cutting up. I then decided to put some pinapple and mango on the side of her plate as well.

We ate our breakfast together on the other side of the island.

After breakfast Alannah went to play with her toys and watch some tv whilst I cleaned up from breakfast.

Once everything was clean we head to my room. I place Alannah on the bed and put the tv on for her.

"Shall we go out for lunch today?" I ask and Alannah nods her head not really paying much attention except for to the tv.

"Right I'm going to have a quick shower can you behave for me?" I ask and a smile sweeps across ber face.

Once I got out of the shower I went into my closet put on some blue high waisted shorts. I then put on a a lavender shade purple crop top that's off the shoulders.

I head into my room to see Alannah hadn't moved a centimeter from where I last left her. I plug in the hair dryer by my vanity and begin to blow dry my hair.

Alannah had now carefully climbed off of my bed and came and sat in my lap. I turned the hair dryer off as she placed her head in the crook of my neck. I put my hair dryer down and wrap my arms around Alannah as she cuddles with me.

With Alannah cuddling me I found it hard to get ready. I wanted to go out today, maybe go to the beach. We're definitely having lunch out at my favourite cafe here. But I didn't mind her cuddles, they're my favourite things in the world.

Once Alannah had decided to run to her room and get some of her toys I continue to blow dry then straighten my hair.

Once I had finished I decided to do my normal makeup routine which was clearly quite natural.

Once I was ready I make my bed and then clean up the bit of mess I made whilst getting ready. "Come on." I say taking Alannah into her room to get ready.

I help Alannah brush her teeth and clean her face before getting her ready. I get her dressed into a blue denim dungaree dress with a white top underneath.

We head into the living room where I grab my car keys before we head out to have some fun.

A.N: So just wanted to write this Chapter to give you insight on their life in LA. This sort of a 'filler' chapter before the drama.

This is the 'floor plan' for their apartment:

This is the 'floor plan' for their apartment:

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