Chapter 33- Você Está?

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We were now in the living room and I wasn't so worried about Alannah in here as she wasn't eating.

Their sofa was massive and was a light grey colour. Alannah sat down and tried to pull me down with her.

I was sat beside Alannah and she was lying her head on my lap just looking up at me. I played with her hair a bit and she just watched me.

"Jax when are you going to introduce Lara to the rest of the family?" His mom says.

"The only family members I like moved back to Italy so maybe when they come here next." Jax says before taking a sip of his drink.

"What about Gianna and Alessandro?" She asks.

"Well whenever." Jax says.

"Gianna is so excited to meet you." Jax's mom says.

I look up from Alannah to Jax's mom then to Jax. Who is Gianna?

"Gianna is Gio's mom." Jax says and I nod.

"How is Gio I haven't seen him since we got back?" Jax's mom says.

"He's busy." Jax's says giving his mom a look.

I don't really pay attention but still play with Alannah's hair.

Jax moves closer to us and looks down at Alannah.

"Are you tired?" Jax asks and she shakes her head.

"No look I'm not even---" She gets cut off by a yawn causing Jax to laugh.

"Her room is ready for her." Jax's mom says.

"Come on." Jax says standing up. She looks to me and pouts.

"Come on bub, its past your bedtime." I say and she puts her arms out. Jax picks her up and she crosses her arms across her chest.

"Say Goodnight." I tell her, she looks past Jax's head.

"Goodnight Mister and Mrs Jax." She says which makes both his parents laugh.

We walk up the long staircase to the second floor.

Once we get to the top of the stairs we walk right and down the corridor. We walk to the bottom of the corridor where there was a massive door. Instead of going in there we go into a room next door.

The room was white and a dusky purple colour. Jax put Alannah down on the bed she sat up. Jax walks out of the room and a few seconds later comes back in with Alannah's bag.

"Here." He says and I smile.

I get Alannah's pyjamas out and get her changed. Jax walks over to a door and opens it to reveal a bathroom.

I get her toothbrush and we head into the bathroom. I help her brush her teeth and then we head to her bed.

She gets into the bed which I had to lift her into as she was so small. I sit beside her as she lies down. Jax also sits beside her.

"We're going to be right next door." Jax says and she nods.

"This bed is really comfortable." She says yawning.

"I'm glad your comfortable." He says and kisses her forehead. She smiles slightly and falls to sleep.

I kiss her forehead and Jax takes my hand to lead me out.

"Wait there's not a light for her incase she wakes up." I say and he looks around.

"Oh shit um I'll get Alfred to bring up a lamp." He says and I nod hesitantly and follow him out.

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