Chapter 10-Encontro

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My alarm wakes me up and I sit up straight away. I lean over and grab my phone and switch it off. Seconds after there was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I say running a hand over my face whilst yawning.

"Breakfast is done." Nicole says and smiles before heading downstairs.

Alannah was still fast to sleep so I lean over and tap her. She grunts and rolls over so her back was to me. I laugh then do the one thing I know will wake her up. I lean over slightly and tickle her and her eyes open widely. She then begins to laugh.

Her laugh is genuinely contagious, as soon as I hear her laugh I tend to smile or laugh.

"Stop!" She shouts between laughs.

She takes a deep breath and sits up. I put my hand out which she takes and we head downstairs.

"Manhã!" Alannah exclaims walking into the dinning room holding my hand.

Nicole and David look at each other and shrug before looking at me.

"It means morning." I say and they nod. I sit Alannah down in her chair then sit down beside her.

"Well, Manhã." Nicole smiles and Alannah claps. I smile at Nicole before cutting up Alannah's food.

"Do you know what time your going out tonight?" Nicole asks and I shake my head. I don't know anything about tonight it was very last minute.

"I'll find out and get back to you." I tell her and she smiles at me.

"I haven't got anything date worthy so I'm going to have to head home today to get something." I say.

Nicole and David look at each other concerned then back to me. David reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He then hands me some cash.

"What's this for?" I ask confused.

"Get something out of that it is better then you going home right now." He says and I go to hand it back to him.

"I've got money." I say and he looks at me firmly.

"Lara take it." He says just as firmly I nod and then thank him and he smiles.

After breakfast I tell Nicole I'll wash all the dishes. She thanked me before smiling and heading out the door.

I cleaned the dishes and then check on Alannah. She was playing with some toys and watching Doc mcstuffins.

"Let's go get ready." I say and she turns around and nods. She then holds my hand as we head upstairs.

I walk into my room and make the bed straight away. Once I finished making the bed I sit Alannah on the bed. I put Sofia the first on the tv and she lies down and cuddles a teddy bear.

"Are you going to be good whilst I'm in the shower?" I ask and she looks up and nods. I smile then head in the shower.

Once I get out of the shower I get changed into black jeans and a white top which I tuck into my jeans. I then blow dry and straighten my hair.

I switch the tv off causing Alannah to scan around the room for me.

"Come on." I say signalling into the bathroom. She climbs down carefully and runs into the bathroom. We brush her teeth and then I clean her face.

We head back into my room where I get her dressed. She was wearing some black jeans and and a yellow jumper. I put some socks on her feet before putting the tv back on. I sit her on the bed then go over to the desk.

After applying some concealer and mascara and then doing my eyebrows me and Alannah head downstairs.

We get downstairs and I grab my bag from the shoe closet. I check to see if all the things I needed where in there. Then I put Alannah's ankle boots on her and her coat and tell her to wait by the door. I put on some black and white snakeskin ankle boots with a but of a heel. I then put on a Carmel teddy bear jacket before leaving.

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