Chapter 19-Doente

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Lara's POV
"Muma" Alannah shouts causing me to jolt up. I sit up and look around my room to see Alannah was no longer beside me.

I pick my phone up to see it was 3am.

I hadn't long fell asleep. I sit up and rub my eyes before following the faint sounds of cries into the bathroom.

When I open the bathroom door Alannah was rocking on the bathroom floor crying.

There was also sick all over the bathroom floor.

"Hey come here." I say leaning down and hugging her.

"Muma I don't feel well." She says and I nod.

"Come on let me help you brush your teeth." I say helping her stand up.

She stumbles slightly so I pick her up and put her on my hip.

I brush her teeth before taking her back into bed. I put the back off my hand on her head to feel she had a temperature.

"Do you want some medicine?" I ask and she nods.

"Alright I'll go get it just stay here okay." I say and she smiles weakly.

I walk downstairs quietly so that I don't wake up Nicole and David.

I go into the kitchen and grab some kitchen supplies. I then also grab some medicine before heading back upstairs.

I go into my room and see Alannah lying in bed. I put the cleaning supplies down on my desk and then sit beside Alannah.

I help her take her medicine and once she takes her medicine she falls to sleep almost instantly.

I head into the bathroom with the kitchen supplies and begin to clean the sick up.

I'm just thankful she didn't throw up in our room. I get on my knees and begin to scrub the bathroom floor till it's back white.

When I finished cleaning the bathroom it was easily 4am. I get into bed beside Alannah and she was still Asleep.

I felt her head to see she still had a temperature. She cuddles into my arm sending me to sleep.

I wake up to my alarm and sigh. As soon as I switch my alarm off Alannab jolts up and tries to get to the bathroom. I sigh as I watch her little legs run into the bathroom.

She actually threw up in the toilet this time which is good.

I follow after her and when she stops being sick she begins to cry.

"Mama." She cries and I hug her again.

"I know bub, I know." I repeat and hug her tightly.

"It hurts." She cries and I sigh and rub her back.

I take her back into my room and sit her on my lap on my bed and she cries into my chest.

A knock on the door causes me to take my head from resting on Alannah's and turn to the door.

"Is everything alright?" Nicole asks once she sees Alannah's state.

"Alannah isn't well so she won't be eating breakfast today." I tell her and she nods.

"I'll leave some out for you." She says and I smile and thank her. She's so kind.

Alannah had cried herself back to sleep so I gently placed her down in my bed before cleaning the toilet from Alannah's sick.

I go into my room and choose out an outfit for today when there was a knock on my door. I turn to the door to see Nicole standing there smiling sympathetically.

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