Chapter 36- Grata

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"Good morning." Someone screams waking me up.

I groan and continue to nuzzle into Jax.

"Its Thanksgiving and our first day off all year, GET UP." someone continues to shout but it's to early and I'm not in the mood for the shouting.

Its definitely Gio shouting and never have I wanted to punch someone in the face so hard.

"Gio fuck off." Jax groans causing Gio to gasp.

"We've got lots to do today in order to contain a perfect Thanksgiving so get up. Amara is already downstairs making breakfast." Gio says and I sit up making Jax groan again.

"Alright we'll be down in a bit." I say and he nods and heads out.

I climb out of bed and head towards the bathroom.

"What you doing?" Jax asks and I laugh.

"I'm getting ready." I say and he sighs.

"No let's go down to breakfast in our pyjamas for once please." He says making me laugh.

I put my hair up then head towards the door to Alannah's room.

"Put a t-shirt on." I say as I open Alannah's bedroom door.

I move to Alannah's bedside and start to wake her up. It took a minute or two before she sat up properly. She rubbed her eyes and yawned straight away before climbing into my arms.

I met Jax in his room and we headed to the kitchen to see what was going on for breakfast.

Amara was indeed in the kitchen making breakfast whilst Gio was sat at the island watching her with his head rested on his head.

Matteo and Rocco were also here talking by the fridge drinking some water.

"Mornimg everyone." Jax announces as we step into the kitchen.

"Morning." They say back in sync making me smile.

"So what's for breakfast?" Jax asks whilst we sit at the island.

"Pancakes isn't obvious." Gio says and Alannah let's out a high pitched squeal.

"Do you want any help Amara?" I ask and she shakes her head no.

"You guys can head into the dinning room, it'll only be a few more minutes." Amara says.

After breakfast we head back upstairs to get ready. Jax watched Alannah whilst I got a shower and got dressed.

I wore a long cheetah print skirt with a black crop top. I head back into Jax's room and Jax kisses my cheek before heading into the bathroom. I quickly do my makeup whilst Alannah watched YouTube on my phone.

Once I was ready I make the bed and take Alannah in her room and get her ready.

I picked out a black dress with an orangey brown cardigan for her to wear. I then sat her between my legs and carefully brushed her hair before doing a half up- half down style in her hair.

After getting ready we head back downstairs to sort out all the arrangements.

Everyone looked amazing actually, it was so weird to see everyone outside of their normal attire.

Amara was wearing a white dress that had black polka dots and was quite tight fitted. She then also had on an orangy brown jacket. Her makeup was also quite natural and her naturally straight black hair had been curled on the ends and she looked amazing.

The boys were all wearing similar outfits.

Jax was wearing black trousers and a camel coloured sweater.

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