Chapter 4- Strano

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Jax's pov
I walk out the warehouse and get into my car. I got in my car and began to drive home to meet with my dad in his home office.

My phone begins to ring. I check the caller ID to see that Gio was ringing me. Gio is my right hand man and we've been best friends for the entirety of our lives.

"Gio, are you bringing me good news or bad news." I answer the call with.

"A bit of both." He says which causes me to furrow my eyebrows.

"Go on then." I say still confused.

"There is nothing about that Lara girl any where, I've been looking since we got back yesterday. It's like she doesn't exist at all. I've looked at hospital records from the year she was born, the year before and the year after. Literally nothing. I didn't even find someone with the same name." He says causing me to frown.

"Right" I say sighing.

"When I searched up Alannah I found quite a few children under the age of 6 with that name. But none of them look like her." He says gaining another sigh from me.

"Have you tried all different ways of spelling Alannah?" I ask him while concentrating on switching lanes.

"Nope I'll do that now." He tells me.

"What's the good news" I ask.

"Well I'm on the way to your house for this meeting with you and your dad and my dad-" He says.

"Get to the point." I say slightly frustrated at the fact this Lara girl is completely under the radar.

"Well I was driving past the Miller house and I may of just saw Lara and Alannah go into David's house with Nicole." He says.

It hits me. "James and Lara are the same age as well. Look at James high school files. That may be helpful" I say.

"Why do you care so much?" He asks sighing making me roll my eyes.

"I made a promise to Alannah and im not going to break it." I say and sigh. That's a lie.

Since yesterday all I've been able to think about is Lara.  It's dangerous, especially for a man like me.

"Whatever but just hurry up and get here, your mom keeps tryna feed me." He says and I scoff.

The call ends and I pull into the very long street that leads to my house. As I drive up the street I drive past the Miller house. I look for any signs of Lara of Alannah but come up empty then continue to drive to my house. The gate opens and I drive up the drive and into the garage.

I walk into my house and going into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Gio comes running into the kitchen and starts tugging my arm like a kid.

"Let's go." He says.

"Where?" I ask, trying to drink my water.

"To the meeting, if your mom feeds me anymore I'll fall into a food coma." He says and I laugh. I knock on dad's home office before we enter.

After talking about the problems at the warehouse and about my 25th birthday which is coming soon. Me and Gio left and headed to my room.

I flop down on my bed and sigh.

"So three months left until you become the big bad boss your self." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"Like dad said, I was ready to take over as soon as I turnt 18 but mom made a deal with dad meaning I had to wait till I was 25 so here I am" I tell him.

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