Realationship Drama- Chaper Two

Start from the beginning

"Louis, time to wake up." Liam cooed, trying in vain to get Louis to wake up before their parents come.

"Oh, my baby, Liam, what happened, he's all bruised, and bloody." Karen said, "I don't know Mum, I heard a yell while with my friend Josh, him and I ran to check it out, and we saw Louis." Liam said, telling the truth.

"Liam, can you please carry him to the car?" Karen asked, "Mum, its nearly the end of the day, can I have a ride, Niall has the keys, so he can get himself home." Liam asked, not feeling like explaining this whole ordeal to Niall.

"I'm okay with that, just text Niall and tell him why I'm here so he won't think anything." Karen said, "Okay." Liam said.

Hey Nialler, I am getting a ride from my mum, Louis got beat up already, as soon as I find that kid, he's gonna be dead. Drive safe. Li

Liam sent a text to Niall, then picked up Louis and carried him to the car, then getting in the front seat himself Niall replied.

Okay, I'll check to see if anyone has any bloody knuckles. Lol, not that Louis was hurt though, I may not be scary, but I'll kill the people also.

Also check for a bloody or bruised knee.

Liam replied almost immediately

WTF happened, you better explain right now, or I will hurt you.

The thing about Niall is that sense people are always calling him small and weak, he tried to be over scary, Niall may be short and cute, but he is super strong.

The kid that beat him up, kneed Louis in the head to knock him out. Know anyone in the school who does that?"

Liam replied. Niall replied almost immediately.

Nope, but my bf is coming, so I gtg.

Liam smiled at Niall and his perfect relationship with someone who Liam doesn't know who. The final bell just rang.

"Hi Niall Babe." Niall's boyfriend said, Niall looked at Harry, "Harry, you're high, aren't you?" Niall asked, "Maybe, I ain't tellin' you." Harry slurred, "Harry, no." Niall said, as Harry push Niall up against Liam's car and starting kissing him, "Why not?" Harry asked, "Because we're in public." Niall said, "Well, I can fix that." Harry said, grabbing the keys from Niall's hand, unlocking the back seat doors, 'Thank god that this is just an impala, that way there is a roof and seats.

"Harry, are you drunk?" Niall asked, knowing high and drunk, equals bad for Niall, "Like I said earlier, maybe." Harry said, giggling like a child, "Harry, maybe we should go back to our flat." Niall said, hoping by then Harry would be interested in something other that snogging Niall.

"Nah, here is fine." Harry said, going back to roughly kissing Niall, "Harry, you're hurting me." Niall said, "Mmm." Harry said, only kissing Niall harder, 'Ow.' Niall was wanting this to be over.

Soon, Niall's elbow slipped, and hit Harry in his arm, "What the fuck Niall, why'd the hell you do that?" Harry yelled, "I'm sorry Harry, I didn't mean to honest, I was just-" Niall was cut off, "You'd just thought that sense your family has more money, that you own me? Huh?" Harry yelled, "No, Harry, I love you very much, I just couldn't-" Niall was cut off again, "Shut up, no one cares about a no one's opinion, maybe this will teach you." Harry yelled, punching Niall in the shoulder and stomach repeatedly.

The elbow slip didn't hurt that bad, maybe tomorrow there will be a small, invisible, bruise, but Harry wasn't Harry, he was drugs and alcohol right now.

Niall soon played passed out, and stopped responding to he blows, only because he knows that Harry will stop punching him soon.

"Niall? Niall?" Harry asked, now scared that his boyfriend was hurt, "I-I-I'm f-f-fine, H-H-harry." Niall said, "Oh Niall, I was so scared, are you sure you're okay?" Harry asked, "Yeah, but I need to get home, my best friend's little brother just go beat up." Niall said, "Is he okay?" Harry asked, not really listening, just loving talking to Niall, "He's not awake, just I hope he's okay, he's practically my little brother, considering that I only have an older one." Niall said, "Okay, I don't have any brothers, only a sister, so I don't understand, but if anyone hurt my sister, I'd hurt them, physically." Harry said, "So now's not the time to tell you I saw her with a boy last week?" Niall asked jokingly, "What? She's not allowed to date, she's my older sister, and, hey wait, she lives in London for uni." Harry said, "I know, I just wanted to see what your reaction would be." Niall said, "Haha your so funny." Harry said, "I know!" Niall exclaimed, "Do you like this?" Harry asked, as he started tickling Niall's ribs, "Very much so." Niall said, sitting up a tiny bit and pecking Harry's lips.

"Can I have a ride, my truck is with Zayn, some family things?" Harry asked Niall. "Sure, I'd love to give you a ride." Niall said, this time Harry did a push up and pecked Niall.

"Hey fags, finish up the blowin' this is public property." a teenager said, Harry immediately opened the back door, and stood taller than the other boy, "Oh shit, your Harry, please don't tell Zayn on me, please." The teenager pleaded, "Fine, just don't tell anyone, 'm just using 'im." Harry said, Niall thought that he could hear his heart breaking, "Okay, I-I need to go." The teenager said.

"Hi babe." Harry said, crawling back into the back seat, "Are you really using me?" Niall asked, "What? No way in hell would anyone be stupid enough to use you, I said that because I can't have the idiot who caught us knowing I'm gay, he knows my family." Harry said, "Okay, ready to get to your place?" Niall asked, "Yeah, I'd love to have my mom yell at me for an hour about something or another." Harry said.

"Wanna come over then? My parents aren't home." Niall asked, Harry wiggled his eyebrows, "Hmm, you want me to come over, and your parents aren't home, you know what this sounds like Horan?" Harry asked, "Okay, I'll just drop you off at home, I'm not ready for that yet." Niall said, "Ni, I'm kidding, I hope you know that whatever stupid thing, I know it will be stupid because I'm me, that I ever do, that I would never force you to do anything you weren't ready to do." Harry said, "Thank you Haz." Niall said.

"My phone is going off." Harry said, digging his phone out of a pocket of his impossibly tight jeans, "Hi Zee." Harry said, Niall looked to Harry just in time to see Harry put his head back, "Why?" Harry asked, Niall heard talking but couldn't make out words, "I'm with Nialler right now, so no." Harry said, Niall was wondering what was going on, "Can he come?" Harry asked into the phone, "Then I'm not coming." Harry said, Niall started playing with his finger nails, looking at the floor pedals in front of him, "I'll tell Nialler that he can come, and I'm not going to stop calling him 'Nialller'." Harry said with a smirk, Niall smiled, he loved how 'Nialler' sounded coming out of Harry's mouth, "Oh come on Zayn, even you aren't crazy enough to do that over a nickname." Harry said annoyed into the phone, Nall thought about how Louis was doing, god it pissed him off that someone would hurt Louis, "Yes, I didn't call you Zee, I called you Zayn." Harry said, Niall thought about how Liam was going to kill whoever did this, "Why? Are you really asking that- No don't you dare cut me off. I don't call pricks by their nicknames. I got to go." Harry said, hanging up the phone then texting Zayn.

Ni and I will be there soon

K sorry Haz, so tired of little sibs

Nanananananananananana, I dont got any

Nanananananananananana? WTF is that

I gtg, Niall is talking

Harry typed then hung up.

"So, how is Zayn?" Niall asked, trying to avoid any awkward conversation, only making the car air seem to get so much more hot, "He's good." Harry answered, "That's good, so, I heard that I need to drop you off somewhere else." Niall said, "Yeah, I need you to drop me off somewhere. And you're coming also." Harry said, "Okay, yeah, that's fine. So where we going?" Niall asked Harry, "Take a left here. You know where we're going, the house." Harry said, "Uhh." Niall said, "Okay. Take a right here." Harry said, "Okay here we are." Niall said, without looking up and getting the keys out.


Okay so question...

Which is your favorite 1D boy, 1 or 2, and reasons?

Mine is either Liam or Niall, Liam because from what I tell from interviews, him and I both like boxing, and a few other things, and Niall because he's cute and just seems to sweet.

One fact about me: I dislike spoons because they remind me too much of my past, that I will NEVER go into.

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