Love at a Hateful sight- chapter five

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This is dedicated to @Ithatawsome did I spell that right? She just voted for EVERY chapter I have up, I'm just like 'Wow! Someone cares about my writing, for some reason they are blind so they can't see the spelling, grammar, and the whole illogicalness.'

"What do you mean by that?" Zayn yelled at the doctor, Dr. Z was slightly taken back at Zayn's yelling,"Zayn calm down, Sam can be fine." Zayn looked at the doctor, feeling horrible, tears in his eyes, "Its all my fault, isn't it?" Zayn nearly screamed at the short doctor, "No Zayn, listen, I've known you and your little brother sense he was two, I know that he is strong enough to handle this, he is going to need his big brother to be there for him though." the doctor explained to Zayn, who was trying the keep calm while holding his little brother, "What are the options?" Zayn asked, "The tumor is not cancerous, but we are going to have to surgically remove it, his Down Syndrome is going to make him not understand what is happening, this is both a good thing, and also a bad thing, good because we aren't going to have to go into all of the details, but he will not comprehend what is happening, it is your mother's choice on what to do, seeing that she isn't here though, please call her and explain to her your guy's options." the doctor said, Zayn looked down to him, "Okay, thank you Dr. Z." Zayn said.

Zayn immediately got his phone out of his back pocket, the phone wasn't much, just a basic Slider phone, called and texted, only Harry, his mum, and a couple of guys, only girls are family.

"Mum." Zayn sobbed into the phone, "Zee, honey, what's wrong with Sam, is he okay?" Trisha asked worriedly, "No mum, Sam has a tumor, he has a tumor in his head, mum, I'm suppose to call you to have you decide what to do, it is not cancerous, but sense it is in his head, it will grow, and compact his brain, until he goes into cardiac arrest, and dies, mum I don't want Sam to die. So its up to you when Sam is to have the surgery, Dr. Z said as soon as possible would be the best, but its all up to you." Zayn cried, knowing his family is not going to be able to afford any good surgery, honestly, their family is already thousands in debt with loans to pay for their one bedroom flat, loans for Sam's medicine, loans for every day to day need that they can't afford, Zayn's dad Yaser left them with gambling and drinking debts, Zayn works an after school job as a waiter, then goes off to fight for money, after that Zayn comes home, and prays that food will be in the fridge to feed Trisha, Sam, and if he's lucky, him.

"Zayn, where are we going to find the money for the surgery?" Trisha asks, knowing Zayn won't have much of an answer, "I don't know mum, I have no clue, maybe if I pick up more shifts, and drop out, Sam is in all day school, so no babysitter fees, I work full time, and we uh, eat less, I don't know mum, I can't handle this all, I think I'm going to melt down in front of Sam." Zayn said, crying into the phone, wishing Sam could have a better life, he may not realizes it, but his life is less than glamorous.

"Zayn, you're not dropping out, second, I'm coming down to the hospital, and will talk to doctor Z my self." Trisha said, then hung up, Zayn put his phone back into his pocket, and grabbed Sam's school bag, then Sam, finally he looked around.

"Zap." Sam said, "Yeah little dude?" Zayn asked, looking down at Sam, not seeing himself, only Yaser, Zayn looked like Trisha, Sam looked like Yaser, sadly.

"What you mad at the phone for?" Sam asked, tilting his head to the left, "I'm not mad at the phone, I'm just upset, mum is coming to the hospital." Zayn said.

"Liam, when can we see Mummy and Daddy?" Zayn heard someone that sounded just like Louis ask, "Soon Lou, Mummy just needs some stitches, and Geoff- I mean Daddy, will be out soon." Liam's voice said, "Lou- Boo." Sam screeched, then fought to get out of Zayn's arms to go give Louis a hug.

"Hi Sammy." Louis said, almost doing a complete one- eighty turn in his mood, with a big smile on his face, seeing Sam, one of his only friends, "Why you here?" Sam asked, "My mummy and Daddy were in a car accident, so my big brother an I are waiting for them to come out of that room from getting stitches. Why are you here?" Louis asked, the two boys were both oblivious to their older brothers who were glaring at each other, "I have something called a tumor in my head, the doctor said that it is not cancerous." Sam said, not knowing what 'tumor' or 'cancerous' meant, he was just pretty sure that it was a good thing, "Well, it is a good thing that the tumor isn't cancerous." Louis said, soon the two boys were in a nice conversation, changing the things the topic was.

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