Sadly- Chapter Nine

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This is dedicated to @HeyHazzy she has been my inspiration

"So Louis, I see you've been talking to Zayn." Liam said, trying, and failing, to start a casual conversation with Louis, "Yeah, Zayn is quite a funny guy." Louis said, "Okay, stop talking to him." Liam said quickly, hoping Louis wasn't listening so he'll just say something like 'Okay Lili, so you need help understanding today's lesson?' but as we all know, things hardly ever go as planned, same goes for Liam.

"Why?" Louis asked, snapping Liam out of his fantasy where Louis was so innocent, no corruption to be seen, now there is a hint of corruption in Louis, just everything that has happened in the past month, "Because I said so." Liam said, using an authoritative tone with Louis, hoping Louis wasn't listening, yes Liam realizes that Louis listens a lot better than Liam gives him credit for, "That's not good enough, I've gotten smarter, so I'll need a real answer by lets say," Louis starts, tilting his head to the right, acting like he is thinking, "Now." Louis finishes with a glare coming Liam's way, Liam looked utterly shocked that Louis has so much sass in him, "Hey, aren't you going to say sorry to your older brother, who you just glared at?" Liam asks, not knowing if it was joking or not, he didn't know what changed his sweet little brother, but whatever it was, it needed to leave.

"No Ding Bat, I'm not because I haven't really done anything wrong, your feelings just got a slight bruise, so they'll be fine, you just need to go to Josh, your boyfriend." Louis said, "How did you know that Josh and I were dating?" Liam asks cautiously, not sure he wants to know, Louis sighs, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I acted the way that I did, I was just mad." Louis said, nearly crying into Liam's side, "No worries Lou, I'm fine, but have you just been socializing with sense last week?" Liam asks, "No one new." Louis said, which wasn't a lie, Louis has actually been talking with Zayn, Michael, Calum, Ashton, Luke, and Abby sense the first day of school, "Who all have you been talking to?" Liam asks.

Louis tilted his head to the left, a sign that he is thinking, not just playing, "Just Abigail, Calum, Luke, Ashton, Ashton, Zayn and his little brother Sam." Louis said, he had something backed up just in case Liam started asking questions, which was a good thing because the first thing out of Liam's mouth was, "Why have you been associating with Zayn?" Louis looked up at Liam, thinking which answer would be the best to give him, Louis decided the truth, not the whole truth, but part of it, "Our Mummy is friends with his Mummy, plus he's one of my best friend's older brother." He replied, looking back down to his paper needing his attention.

"So you'd tell me if you liked someone, right?" Liam asked, finally realizing that Louis wasn't going any farther on the Zayn topic, "'Course." Louis mumbled, not guiltily, he doesn't know if he like Zayn or not, but mumbled because his face was looking down into his notebook, "Lou, I need you to look at me for this, I know that you like someone, you talked to me that you like guys." Liam said, "I just saw a picture of guys in underwear, nothing else, at first I thought it was gross, but soon I liked looking at them." Louis said, reading over the sentence that he just wrote, only to scribble it out, "Louis." Liam started sternly, taking the note book away from Louis in hope of a conversation without himself asking all of the questions, "Do you like girls?" Liam asks, Louis reads the notebook upside down.

"Uh, I don't really know. Liam may I please have the notebook back, that's due in a week." Louis told Liam, whining at the last part, "I'll show you a picture of a girl, tell me if you like her. When did you get the homework?" Liam replied to Louis's first answer, asking when did Louis get the homework to see how much of it there is.

"Sure. Today." Louis answered both questions, still trying desperately to read the notebook, soon writing in pen on his arm, "So the an appositive is-" Louis's note taking on his wrist was cut off my Liam flinging the notebook on to Louis's lap, Louis, who looked unfazed, said a quiet 'thanks' and took another page of notes before Liam came back with an obvious just printed off picture of a girl in a bikini, and a few others.

"Lou, what do you think of her?" Liam asks, Louis looks up from his notes, only to make a disgusted face and say "Yuck, I may never look at Abby and other girls the same." Liam chuckled at Louis's comment, after going through eight other pictures, all with reactions about the same, "What about her?" Liam asks, showing just a girl in booty short jeans and a flowing top, not looking trashy or anything, "Eh, I guess she's the best out of the pile?" Louis jokes, turning the page in his book, then the page in his notebook, "Yeah, don't think you're bi." Liam said, he was secretly hoping that Louis was bi so there's still the chance of biological nieces and nephews, "What's bi?" Louis asks, looking up from his book without Liam having to convince him to, "Bi means bisexual." Liam answered, Louis looks up again, only to glare at Liam, "You are absolutely horrid at giving a definition." Louis said before bursting out into laughter, "Okay, bisexual means that someone likes both boys and girls." Liam said, Louis tilted his head to the left again, "What are you?" Louis asks, I'm gay, so that means I like boys." Liam answered.

Louis tilted his head again, but before Liam could be more specific about his answer Louis started asking questions, "Abby likes boys, so is she gay?" Liam mentally face palms himself for not giving a better answer, "No, if you are a boy and like boys you are gay, and if you like girls you are straight." Liam answered, Louis thought about this, and like before Louis's head tilted, "So the two girls I saw kissing in the hallway, they're straight?" Louis ask, Liam groaned, 'Be glad he isn't asking about sex anymore.' Liam thought to himself, "No, that's called lesbian, two girls in love are lesbian, two boys are gay, and a girl and a boy are straight." Liam said, not seeing in holes in how he explained it, "You could've started with that." Louis said, "Do your homework." Liam said, then got up and left Louis's room.


Sorry, I've just been shrinking these, I fell like no one like my stories anymore, FYI this it probably the last update of any of my stories now.

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