Sweet Dreams- Chapter Twenty

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I want to start off with, wow chapter twenty, my longest and second most successful story, thanks, I now have (another) plot that is good, I will hopefully not forget it (Again) but wish me luck.

Also for this chapter I have very little experience in the ICU, and it was for my brother's brain surgery, so I'm sorry if I mess up a lot.

"Where am I?" Louis asked in a dazed voice, no answer.

"Louis? Ahh, my side hurts, really bad, can you please get a nurse or something?" Liam asked, after crunching in pain for a few minutes, "Lou, Louis, where are you? What happened to not leaving me?" Liam asks, pinching his side, "Lou?" Liam asked, soon Liam couldn't take the pain anymore and hit the nurse call button.

A oversize nurse came into the room, "What's wrong." She asked, then yawned, "My side, and ribs hurt, badly." Liam cried out, the nurse walked over to Liam, "Let me see..." She trailed off, Liam was focusing on his breathing, "Okay, your pain medicine ran out, I'll have to get you some more." The nurse said, "Thank you," Liam looked to her name tag, "Thank you Nurse Eliza Martin." Liam said then, tried a smile, Eliza smiled back, then walked back to the nurse's station.

"I just need to check on him." The nurse said to Bobby, Maura, and Greg, well Greg was slipping in and out of consciousness, "You check every ten minutes, I can promise that Niall is fine." Maura said, sure Niall was asleep, but his vitals were being checked every ten minutes, waking up Maura from falling asleep.

"I understand that you want to sleep, but it is my job, I'm just watching out for your son." The nurse named Joanna Great told Maura, Maura took a deep breath, "I know, I'm sorry, I'll be quiet." Maura mumbled, then once Joanna left the room Maura walked over with her chair to sit beside Niall, she slightly grabbed his hand.

"I love you I." she said, using his old nickname, "I don't like being called I." Niall mumbled after a few seconds, Maura giggled, "You came up with the nickname yourself." She defended herself softly, "I was one, I could hardly talk, and I don't remember it, we should change my nickname." Niall joked along.

Soon Niall and Maura were both out like a light.

If only Harry could do that, he laid in bed, looking at a light in the corner, flashing, Harry sighed, "Man, I'm so stupid, if I could handle myself, we wouldn't be here, but no, I always have to mess it up, I'm sick and tired of always messing up, maybe I should just leave!" Harry exclaimed in rage, but the more the thought about it, the better he thought the idea was. "I know, I'll move to London, that way if anyone finds out that I live there, it's a big enough place, they wouldn't be able to find me." Harry spoke out loud again. Soon Harry fell asleep, the the nurse watching over him was grateful.

"Liam, Liam honey, where is Louis." Karen asked softly, "I don't know, I woke up some time last night, and he wasn't here, he may be down with Sam, him and Louis have gotten close." Liam said.

Karen and Geoff looked at each other, Geoff shrugged, "It does seem like something Louis would do." He said, Karen silently agreed.

"Wanna play a game?" Liam asks, a few seconds of awkward silence later, Karen and Geoff both looked at their son, then around the room, "There's nothing to do here." Karen replied, Liam did a slight smile, "Sure there is, see that window over there?" Liam asked, pointing over to the big window that he can see. Karen and Geoff both looked out the window, six stories down was a busy street, I street to be exact. Karen and Geoff nodded, "Okay, so what we do is, we look out it, and instead of playing the letter game, you know while we are driving look for other plates that have the next letter in the alphabet in the, now we need to find cars, as long as they have the letter in them." Liam explained, soon they started.


This went on until they reached 'P'.


"Where's my son?" They heard someone scream, "Sir, I don't know your son's name, so can you please tell me his name, and your name." the nurse at the nurse's station said, the man took a heavy sigh, "Liam Payne is my son, my name is Andrew Mae." The voice said, Liam had big eyes, along with Karen, and Geoff subconsciously puffed his chest, if Louis was here, he'd start telling you about how the men of the family, when there is danger, will try to look bigger.

"Ahh, okay, he's actually right in there." The nurse said, pointing to Liam's room. The man started walking towards Liam's room, as soon as he's in there the first words out of his mouth were, "What the hell Karen, while the boys were with me, they didn't end up in the hospital, but he ends up in a hospital, over a fight?" He screamed, directing the last part of the question to Liam, Liam sighed, "Haven't you learned anything, boy? C'mon, it isn't that hard to kidney check someone, and they'll be down for a while." Andrew yelled, trying to tell Liam something deeper, "I'm not a fighter." Liam said monotone, no emotion.

"Well, maybe all I'm trying to tell you is your useless-" Geoff finally couldn't take anymore of it, "That's enough!" He yelled, Andrew looked surprised at Geoff's out burst, "I was simply just saying-" Geoff cut him off again, "And I'm simply just saying that you should leave." He yelled, and when Andrew wasn't leaving, he added, "As in now!" Then Andrew got a sly smile, "Okay, but I'm not really gone, I can pop up." he said, then walked out of the room.

"We're on O." Liam said, and the game continued.

"Where am I?" Louis asks out loud, he looked around, he was in an small flat, he didn't know where.

"Oh, Louis, how delightful of you to wake up." Louis hears, he try's to turn around, hoping he didn't just hear Abby's distinct accent, but he can't, he looks down, he is tied up with rope, "Louis! Say something!" The voice yells, Louis looks around, "Where am I?" Was the only thing he could stutter out.

Abby walked over to him, laughing, "Oh, I can't tell you that, boss would be mad at me." Abby replied, she had a look in her eye, saying that she didn't really want to be here, "Why are you here?" Louis questioned, knowing how to phrase the question.

"Yo Abby, you ain't suppose to be talking to him." An Australian accent rang through Louis' ears, soon it was a whisper, fading as Abby walked towards the other voice.

Ashton came up soon, "No worries Louis, the five of us are going to get you out of here soon." This calmed Louis down.

But then, he heard a Louis cluck, everything was black, "Louis." Abby's American accent screech, soon another clunk, Louis knew that was Abby falling to the floor.

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