Playing With Feelings- Chapter Eighteen

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"Yeah, my brother isn't your biggest fan." Niall said, answering the original question, "M'kay, does Liam know about us?" Harry asked Niall, Liam decided now was the best time to fix his hiding position, "Not to my knowledge." Niall replied, trying to kiss Harry, "Babe, stop this is serious." Harry said, Niall didn't stop, Harry pushed Niall off of him with enough force to push Niall to the ground.

Liam ran out from his hiding place and pinned Harry to a nearby tree. Harry, however, was ready.

Harry wrestled with Liam for a minute or so, "So your the one hurting Niall?" Liam spat, bringing his hands around Harry's throat, "So your the horrible friend that it took so long to notice?" Harry shot back, bringing his hands to Liam's wrists, and dug his nails in, "Ahh, fuck you, you little bastard, I know that your family doesn't care. about you." Liam shot, that pushed Harry over the edge.

More than every time he's beaten Niall.

More that every time him and Zayn has wrestled.

All of his pent up anger, was like a lake with a dam, the dam was strong, but it had a small crack, the crack grew a little, until Liam, who was almost innocent, he just threw a small pebble at the dam, but the dam burst, all about to flood unto Liam. Who didn't know what was just about to happen.

"I can't believe that you and the Zayn talk." Luke said, Louis looked over to Luke, Louis was simply trying to take his notes, but Luke kept pressing forward, "Yeah, our Mummy's are friends, so we've been spending some time together." Louis mumbled, looking back at the board where the equations were, "Wow, I bet Liam hates that." Luke said, Louis wanted to tell Luke to shut up, he also wanted to take his note, but above all, he just wanted Zayn and Liam to get along, that was he could kiss Zayn, talk to Liam, and not lie to either.

Louis then wondered what Zayn and Sam were doing right now, soon Louis' couriosity got the best of him and he got him phone out of his pocket and texted Zayn.

I was wondering if I could come visit you and Sam at the hospital today

Within seconds Louis got a reply.

I would love if you did im sure sam would be glad to see you

Louis smiled to himself.

You spelt a lot wrong, I would love if you did, I'm sure Sam would be glad to see you. Is what you should've done, I got to go, Mrs. Mac is looking at me.

The rest of the day went by almost quickly, he got a text from his Mum telling him to take the bus, but Louis asked if he could go see a friend, she replied with yes, and Louis took the 54 bus to the hospital Zayn told him to go to.

Sam was in the ICU, it was packed, soon a nurse came into the room saying that they needed this room, Louis looked at the person who was in Sam's old room, he looked somewhat like Niall, just a lot more red and bloody, they walked past another room, Louis looked into that room as well, looked like Liam, 'I just must be missing them.' Louis thought to himself as a way to make him feel better, soon Zayn looked into a room. I looked away, his face pale.

"Lou, look in that room, and tell me if it is Harry." Zayn asked, Louis looked at Zayn odd "But why-" Zayn swiftly cut Louis off, "Please just do it." Zayn gritted, Louis looked in, "Holy shoot. Oh no, this isn't good." Louis said, it was now Zayn's turn to look at Louis weirdly, "What?" Zayn asked amused, thinking Louis had some funny story, "I saw Niall and Liam back there, and now I see my parents, and Niall's parents, I think I need to go see my brother." Louis said, getting a sick color of pale, "Do you think they go in a fight?" Zayn asked, he was now confused, does he fo down to the second floor where his little brother was moved, they were simply walking behind Sam's bed, or does he go to Harry's room.

Karen has had an extremly stressfull day, first her and Geoff went to the school and fought to faught to get Groff listed at the ememrgency contact, then she had to sit though a six hour meeting. Once it was finished, she went back to her office, and started going though e-mails, owning six franchises is hard, being a silent partner in another three is also tough, and then to top it all off, her husband works down a level, and is always sending her cute little text to brighten her day.

But nothing could've even come close to brighten her day after this phone call.

"Hello, we are looking for Karen Payne?" the lady on the phone said.

"I'm her." Karen said, slightly annoyed with how slow the person is talking.

"Liam Payne is at St. Elizabeth hospital on eighth street, I was just calling to tell you he's in the ICU." as soon as he was done, Karen called Geoff and they were both off the the hospital.

Lou, ride the bus today.

Karen sent to her youngest son.

Can I go see a friend, I'll be home by nine?

Louis replied.

Sure, is it someone I know?

Karen asked, looking up too see the traffic stopped for at lease three lights.

Yeah, Zayn and his little brother Sam.

Karen's phone pinged.

Karen didn't reply, Geoff was driving, Karen had to focus on not freaking out.

"What do you mean, that's your Mum?" Zayn asked, he was scared, soon his phone was going off.

"Mum, what is it?" Zayn asked agitated, "Sam, he has to have another surgery." Trisha cried into the phone, Zayn softened, "Why?" he asked, "The tumor, they were wrong, it wasn't just in the head, there's some in his intestines, it isn't cancerous they say." Trisha said, "Okay, well Louis and I are visiting Sam right now, but Louis has to go see his brother who just came to the hospital." Zayn said, "Okay, just stay with your brother." Trisha said.

"Mummy, I'm scared, why is Liam and Niall here?" Louis asked, giving away that he is here, "Louis, why are you here?" Karen asked, "I thought you were at a friend's, Zayn's." Karen finished, Louis looked up, "I'm sorry Mummy, I said that I was going to see a friend, Sam." Louis said.

"Dr. Marcus, ICU room 23." the PA system said, "That's Liam's room." Karen said, soon the three of then were running to the other side of the ICU.

Check out my new story Undying, its a mpreg though.

If you liked this chapter don't forget to vote, I've decided on two days a week that I will try to update unless I can't.

I feel like I'm giving you guys horrible chapters lately, I'm just in a writing rut, so chapter will be a bit slow moving for a while. Sorry.



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