I know I'm Gunna Run Away- Chapter ten

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This in dedicate @caffeinatedream I really like her stories, I hope she'll like my bad ones.

"Okay, Zayn write this down." Trisha told Zayn, Zayn often did as his mother told him no matter what the situation, "Okay so first we take Sam in to have his surgery, then we make sure nothing else is wrong, and once he's recovered and fine, we go home. Did you get all of that?" Trisha asked, knowing if she waits too long, Zayn will lose his pen, and she'd forget what she was going to write, "Yeah first we take Sam in to have his surgery, then we make sure nothing else is wrong, and once he's recovered and fine, we go home." Zayn repeated, "Good." Trisha said, then she walked away.

Zayn looked around, finding nothing to do, "Hey mum, can Sam and I go to the park?" Zayn called up the stairs, "Anyone else going?" Trisha asked, "No." Zayn said, getting his shoes into some no name brand tennis shoes, "Which park?" Trisha asked, starting a load of laundry, "The one across from the ice cream shop." Zayn yelled, getting Sam into a pair of conk offs of Converse, "Sure, keep your phone on." Trisha said, "Okay." Zayn then picked up Sam, and carried him outside, "Ah March, I love your warmth." Sam said, Zayn smiled at his little brother.

Niall's entire left side hurt, Harry had one of his 'episodes' as a doctor would say, no Niall isn't a doctor, nor does he want to be one, he just knows some of this stuff.

"Ni baby, can you come here please?" Niall heard his mother call up the stairs where Niall was, "Well... shit." Niall said.

Niall stood up slowly, whimpering slightly because of pain, "Niall, what could possible be taking you so long?" Maura called, "You caught me right after a shower." Niall said, hoping it could but him some time, "Well, put some clothes on and get down here, its important." Maura said, you could hear the annoyance in her voice.

Niall finally got down stairs, "Why isn't your hair wet?" Maura questioned, "Uh, short hair takes less time to dry." Niall said, the last part sounding like a 'duh' tone after Niall came up with a good excuse.

"Who have you been getting in fights with?" Maura asked with her pale arms folded over her chest, "No one, why'd ya think I'd get in fights?" Niall asked, Maura looked at him, "Mum, no worries, Liam would hurt whoever- even though there is no one- who was hurting me." Niall said, looking down slightly to his mother, "Fine, but I know that you are limping, and that is why it took you so long to get down here, your hair isn't that short to the point that you can't feel the water." Maura said.

"Mum, someone at school does this-" Maura cut Niall off, "What does Liam do?" Maura asked quickly, knowing Liam, as long as he wasn't hurting Niall, would help protect Niall.

"Liam doesn't know who it is, he's asked, but every time I dodge the answer, or convince Louis to start talking about his day, friends, and whatever else I can think of to sidetrack Liam." Niall said, "Okay, go take a warm bath, then let me see those cuts." Maura said, "M'kay." Niall said before walking away.

"How could I have been so stupid?" Harry asks out loud to really no one, no one was around considering that he was on the roof of his apartment, "These stupid voices." Harry mumbled, "I need to get away from Nialler, I can't hurt him." Harry said, going in through his window saying that his door was too far away. Even though no matter where Harry goes he's still sixteen, he's also emancipated, meaning that his parents have no legal right to control him.

"You really don't change do you?" Harry hears, he looks around his kitchen, the voice isn't a bad one, more like a certain Irish man, "Niall? Go away!" Harry said, not wanting to hurt Niall, "No." Niall said firmly, "Where are you?" Harry asks, still looking around his kitchen for Niall, "With you." Niall said, Harry took alarm to that, "Are you dead?" Harry asks, Niall nearly laughs at this, "No. Look out your dining room window, you'll see my arm, just don't touch it." Niall said, still trying to keep his laughter inside, "So you're a hologram?" Harry asks, Niall, however, rolls his eyes, "If it makes you just come to the damn window then, yes I am a hologram that you can't see through." Niall said sarcastically, wondering why Harry even asked if Niall was a hologram, "Okay, I'm coming. Whoa, Niall why is your arm like that?" Harry asks, crawling back out of his fifth story window to be on the roof with Niall even though his mind was telling him that he was going to hurt Niall, his heart was telling him he needed to talk to Niall.

"Uh, its just in a wrap." Niall said, hoping Harry doesn't feel guilty, "Who put the wrap on?" Harry asks, lifting himself the last few centimeters until he was on the roof next to Niall who also had a wrap on his knee, as well as the left side, "My Mum, she thought Liam did this." Niall said with a smile, Harry's face fell, Niall didn't see Harry's face fall considering that it was dark out, Liam might get in trouble because he hurt Niall, "I should tell her it was me." Harry said, feeling himself get off the roof, "You are doing no such thing, I already called Liam so he knows what is going on, and he doesn't know that your the one that did this, you are fine, and I'm not even saying that it is you, it was an altered you." Niall said, Harry looked at Niall, "I have to go, you too." Harry said in a rush, grabbing Niall's arm, dragging him down the fire escape. Harry had no idea where he was taking Niall, all he knew is that him and Niall were getting out of here.


Here is my failed Narry, sorry, I'm not really great at writing :(

Lines are showing up on my computer that are annoying me, its a thin line on top of a think one of any of you know what this means.

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