Day 2- The Avatar State/The Surprise (part 3)

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We just got back in our house. "Does your leg hurt?" El asked me. I nodded. "Like hell," I replied. "Oh, Spirits, sit down, sweetie!" Aang exclaimed. I giggled and walked over to a couch in our living room. 

Aang walked over and sat down next to me. He picked up my hand and started to rub circles under my thumb. I smiled and blushed a little as I felt my heart flutter. 

Toph flopped on another couch and groaned. "I feel ya," Mai replied as she leaned on the wall. Zuko sat on the floor next to her and she sat down next to him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she lay her head on his shoulder. 

Suki plopped herself next to me on the couch and Sokka sat down next to her and put his arm around her neck, and she lay her head on his shoulder. 

The twins and Tylee fell down next to Toph. "What the hell happened in there?" Al asked. I shrugged. "They had the audacity to tell me that I'm the groom. I'm 13!" Aang exclaimed. I groaned. Aang wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

"They even said that the Avatar deserves someone wealthy, beautiful, a good bender, and smart and that I'm all of those and you're not!" I snapped my head to face her. "They said what?!" Sokka demanded. 

"Twinkletoes went off  on them!" I leaned into Aang's chest. "What did you tell them?" Sokka ordered. "I told them that you're not beautiful, you're absolutely and mind-blowingly stunning. You're not a good bender, you're the best waterbender in the world. And you're not smart, you're a genius," Aang stated. 

I smiled as he picked up my chin and pecked me. Then I blushed. "Not in front of me! Ack!" Sokka exclaimed. Suki picked up his chin and pecked his lips. "Say what now?" Suki asked. "Nothing," Sokka replied. We all laughed. 

"Then Toph asked them how they have the audacity to say that about you. She told them if anything, I'm not good enough for you,"  I smiled. "That's not  true," I said. Aang squeezed me tight. "I got to punch him," Toph said, smiling. I giggled. 

"Ok, well, that's a story. Did you glow?" Tylee asked. Aang nodded. We all gasped. "Oh, shit, no," I said. "I'm sorry," Aang replied. 

3 days earlier, the day before they arrived:

We're still on Appa. We were all starving, so we decided to stop in Ba Sing Se for a little bit to get a snack. We were just about to walk inside of the Jasmine Dragon when we got a message from Bosco. 

"Hey, boy, what's up?" Aang asked. I wobbled over to him as he opened the note. "Oh shit," he said. I gasped. "That bad?" I asked. He nodded as he covered his mouth. "We have to get to Earth King Kuei, now." I nodded and got the rest of The Gaang. 

We followed Bosco, he kind of carried me, to the Palace. The second we got there, Aang picked me up and carried me off. I wobble-followed The Gaang to the inside of the Palace. 

"Avatar Aang, great to see you. It's an emergency," Earth Kind Kuei said. I must've looked worried, because Aang pecked me. "It'll be ok," he said. I shook my head. 

"If anything, I'm coming with you," I stated. The King shook his head. "This is only for the Avatar," he said. "I'm coming. He's going to tell all of us anyways, I'm just gonna come," I said again. The King shook his head again. "That won't wo-" "Please?" Aang begged. I smiled. He finally gave up and let me come. 

We sat down at a table and Aang held my hand. "What's wrong? Is everything ok?" Aang asked. "So, I had this dream," the King started. "About?" Aang asked. 

"Well, remember how you were in the Avatar State in the Crystal Catacombs and then... ummm... Well, Azula... shot you?" I winced at the memory and Aang rubbed the spot under my thumb. "It's ok, I'm here. Yeah, I remember. What about that?" Aang asked. 

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