Day 5- Friendship (part 4)

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What?! Admiral Zhao? Aang killed him back in early August! What the hell?

"Admiral Zhao is dead, dingus," Azula said. "Your highness, it was a miracle. He woke up and knew that we had lost the war, and about what's going on. He sent us here a week early," the dude said. 

"Well, if you don't get every single supporter out here into those trucks and back to the colonies I'll take your neck and rip it off your head, do I make myself clear?" 

Jeez, she's intimidating. The guy nodded. "Yes ma'am." Azula walked back over to me and I hid behind the wall. 

"That could've gone better," I said. "He's dead. There's no way. Aang killed him, right? How is this possible?" she said, pacing back and forth, her hands in her hair. 

"I don't know. Some sort of Spirit World crisis, I guess," I said. I was playing it calm, but really, I was freaking the hell out. 

"KATARA!" I heard Aang scream. I shot ice to somewhere and he magically found me. 

"Sweetie," he said, running over to me and kissing my head. "Aang, how the hell is Zhao alive?" Azula asked. 

"I don't know, why do you think I'm looking for you two? I just saw him over there," he said. I widened my eyes. "HE'S HERE?" me and Azula asked at the same time. Aang nodded as he squeezed my hand. 

"I- I- I'll try to fix this, I don't know!" Azula said. Aang took my wheelchair and hesitantly followed her to wherever the hell she was going. 

"ADMIRAL ZHAO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN THIS VILLAGE?" Azula shouted at the top of her lungs. I actually flinched at this. 

"Princess Azula? Your highness, what an honor to see you," he said, bowing down. "What the fuck are you doing here? These ships are a week early. We're raiding the colonies right now," she said as if she didn't join us. She's good. 

"Princess, I just wanted to get started on things early. I sent some trains here full of supporters while you and Ozai can do the colonies," he said. 

"That's Phoenix King, to you. Shut the fuck up and get every one of these trains back to the colonies, now," she said. 

"Or what?" he asked, crossing his arms. Big mistake there, buddy. "Or I'll take your neck and rip it off of your body right after I take your heart and rip it out of your chest," she said. 

"I know an empty threat when I see it. Plus, I'm no fool. I know the Avatar took away your bending. You're helpless," he said. Ok, no, dude. 

"Ok, fine. You caught me. I won't ruin your body. But I will do something unspeakably horrible to you and your so called friends. So don't mess with me," Azula said before heading in our direction. 

"I legit don't give a crap what any of you say, can I please go take his bending away?" Aang asked. "Wait, he's a bender?" Haru asked, running up to us. We all nodded. 

"Guess no violence Aang is gone. Just do it, please, sweetie. And be careful," I said. Aang pecked me and walked up to him. 

"So, Zhao, I guess you woke up from the dead?" he asked. Zhao turned around and smirked. He's the ugliest thing to enter this universe, and we all know it. 

"So, Avatar, it comes to this," he said, taking a stance. Aang matched it and put his hands up to match Zhao's. 

"Please, Zhao, just call me Aang. I prefer if you don't refer to me as the all-mighty Avatar, but the 13-year-old who's about to defeat you within a second," Aang said. I snorted. He's being a lot braver than I expected, and I'm all here for it. 

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