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Pic of  Xavier

"Welcome Home!",someone yells as we enter the large mansion.Thee lights switch on and some maids and a buttler loking person stands infront of us smiling.

"Welcome home,bambina.",Dad said softly.I smile widely.Then a ball of fur makes his way towards me trailing behind is another fur ball.One is a ginger coloured tabby cat and another one is a spitz dog.Both of them runs to me. I love animals!

"Oh my god.So cuteee!",I yell in excitement and hold both of them and squesh them before letting go.

"Ok.We spent 1 day without our cat and dog. And the first one they are excited to see my sister?",Axel said shocked and palyfully hurt.I grin.

"Animals loves me especially cat.",I said.

"Come on, let's introduce you.",Dad said.I nod.

"This is Giselle and Marine.And this is pur buttler Jonathan or Jhon.",Dad said.

"Hi,Aunty giselle and Marine.Hi,Uncle Jhon.",I said smiling to them.They smile back and hugs me.

"It's great to finally have a girl.",Jhon said making us laugh.Jhon showed me the mansion while others left to unpack.The house is HUGE!

"And this is the music room.",Jhon said opening a room full of white with a white piano, guitars and DRUM!

"You guys have drums?",I said shocked. Jhon nods smiling.I start jumping and yelling.

"You love drums?",Luke said coming in with my other brothers who looks shocked.

"Yeah!I play drums.",I said grinning.They frowns.

"Usually boys play drums.But all of us play guitar and piano but not drum except Dieago.",Leo said.Dieago has a smirk.

"Then we will have a competition, someday.",I said smirking.Dieago smirks back.

"Let's show your room",Jhon said.He opens the door of a beautiful light blue room with big kimg bed and a beautiful potrait of a girl's shadow on the wall and small stars.

The closet is big like my old room and the bathroom is big,too.

"Wow!It's bfeautiful.How did you guys know I love baby blue?",I said confused.

"We didn't.It was all of our favourite colour except black.So,all others have black room while you have baby blue.",Theo said smiling.I smile back.

"Ok,now off you go.I need to freshen up.",I said shooing them.They left my room with John.

I take a bath and let my thoughts overcome me.In 24 hours my whole life turned out a lie!My own mother abandoned me when I was a baby!My mom just gave me away when she knew that I was not her own?And my father?He didn't even think once  before taking me out of my 17 year old life. How I will feel?How I will manage?And my brothers.They all got a very happy life but me?

A sob escapes my mouth. I quickly shut it.

"Let it flow, mi amore.I know it's hurting.",a voice said outside my bathroom that is my dad's.

"What, flow?",I play dumb yelling at him.He chuckles nervously.

"We are same,belle.I know you acted strpng infront of us but inside you were breaking.I am your dad.You have the habit of silently crying from me. ",he said softly.I turn off the shower and slid on the floor.

"It hurts.I want to forgive mother and mom so,badly. But I just can't forgive anyone easily.It... it just not me.",I said softly and truthfully.He sighs deeply.

"You are a replica of Dieago.Aren't you?",he said more to himself.My face breaks in a huge grin thinking that finally I have people who are similar to me.

"You don't have to forgive anyone.You are my child and none can remove it. I love you more than anything even your brothers. ",he said sincerely.

"Thanks,pa.Now shoo and let me bath!",I shout the last part and I hear a chuckle before leaving.I dry myself and slip on my bra and hoodie with leggings.I hate underwear!

I walk out of my closet and went downstairs to see Ginger(cat) and Fluf(dog) playing.Yes!I know their names!

I pick ginger and start caressing his fur and Fluf's. They starts cuddling with me.

"Dinner!",John yells and everyone of my brothers comes out of their rooms while Leo, Xavier and Dad comes from the place John said is dad's office.

"South!Why is your eyes puffy?",Xavier said alerted.

"Nothing.I was in the shower for too long.",I said waving it off but Dad gives me a knowing look as Xavier nods.We sit on the dinning.I sit between Leo and Axel.The maids brings a food I love dearly!Pasta!

The maids left.Everyone serves themselves while I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"What? ",Axel said frowning.

"I can't serve myself.",I said nervously.They chuckels.

"Here.",Xavier said serving me.I send him a quick thanks.

"While we are eating I have an announcement.",Leo said looking at dad.The elder triplets and Dad is still wearing suits.

"Yes.South we have some rules.",Dad said.I hate rules but I nod.

"First no dating or boys!",Dieago said sternly.I can't help it. I burst out laughing.They all gave me 'Have you gone mad?' look while Dieago huffs.

"Oh my god!Geez!Everyboy hates me!And I never even had a date what makes you think I will ever date?",I said trying to hold my laugh.Everyone sighs in relife dramatically.

"Second you have to be attentive to your studies.",Leo said making me smile.

"That rule sucks. ",Axel whispers to me.

"You guys haven't check my grades. Have you?",I said trying my best too hold my smiling.They shakes their head 'No'.

"My dear brothers!I am like the straight A student who never got a B in any subject.",I said smirking.Axel's jaw dropped.Everyone stays shocked.

"Hmm,Third you have to listen to what we say. ",Xavier said.

"If you guys are right then I will. ",I said sternly.

"And you start school from tomorrow.",Dad saidd making frown.

"Aren't you supposed to like school?",Theo said amused.

"I basically stay hidden on the back seat and ditch class. ",I said rubbing my temple.

Leo and Dad glares at me.

"But can't I have one day free so we guys can know each other?",I said hopefully.

"Nah.Thhe elder triplets basiclly works with Dad while the second triplets are for us. We basically are in the school the whole day.",Luke said stuffing his mouth with pasta.I glare at him.

"Which country it is?",I said.

"Los Angeles,California.",Valentine said who has been quiet whole time.I nod.After dinner all of them tucks me in the bed. And ginger and fluf gets to sleep with me!Yahooo!

Let's see what tomorrow has for me.

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