"Damien!" Katie cried, with a girly, tingly tune to it. "what a pleasant suprise!"

"what the hell are you doing here?"

"didn't Lucy tell you?" she asked.

"hey - I was a bit busy saving Teddys LIFE, Here!"

"you're not welcome here," I told her, my voice sure and full. "ESPECIALLY not welcome with your fangs to my girls neck,"

Looking at her made me remember all the memorys, all the bad, BAD memory's, and I hated her for that. I hated her for what she'd done. And that, for one thing, I felt would never change.


"Damien!" I turned to see Katie running towards me, my obsessed yet still beautiful girlfriend.

"what are you doing out here? Its cold," she made a shivering motion, and set out a chilling "birrr!!!"

"don't be silly, Kate. I can't feel the cold - neither can you."

"I know, but it's nice to PRETEND you can feel it," she was ever cheerful, and my little sisters best friend was only 15, where I was 19. The age gap was deep, and besides, I knew the relationship wouldn't last. She was too... giddy, too fearless. Not like my dear Catherine, the girl I'd watched over for 4 years now. 1 more year, and she'd be mine. Just one more year...

"Damien? You've gone all dull and silent again," she sighed. "you know what you need? A properly warm helping of-"

"FOR THE LAST TIME, KATIE!" I screamed, thrustrated, because she was going to bring it up yet AGAIN. "IM NOT DRINKING FROM THE HUMAN VAIN, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WANT ME TO!"

She turned away, clearly hurt. "OK. Just a suggestion,"

I sighed. "a constant suggestion, if that's what it is. You need to stop this! It's getting annoying - and I'm fine with bloodbags."

"OK, sorry. Well, let's go to the show!"


As I drank the blood, I knew it was wrong. Every second. Every second my fangs were inside that girls neck. She was terribly pretty, for a human - and she was about 16, maybe 17? Either way, she was too young to be in a nightclub - and the fact she was here was going to be her death, and in heaven shed regret it.

I'd have to live with it, for the rest of my rotten, bloodstained life.


I hated Katie for turning me into the terrible monster I was, and I always would be. The next day I'd broken up with her, and that hadn't ended up well. She loved me enough to not hurt me seriously - but she was angry enough to hate me permanently. But, obviously now she wasn't angry.

"Katie, stop. If you do this, I will kill you."

"Damien, Damien, Damien. Do you know why you went out with me in the first place?"

It was something that had troubled me, because I didn't understand WHY. Id never loved her, not properly - but I'd felt drawn to her, drawn enough to go out with her.

"I have a power, Damien. You know that. Demons have double the strength, double the power, and one special ability."

That made me shudder. Surely she didn't have-

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