"Outside running around," Clara gestured, "Laur go put their bags down."

Mike leaned into Lauren, "Ally's in Dinah's room, Normani's in the guest." Lauren chuckled and nodded, taking the bags upstairs.

"So you guys already met Chris," Dinah opened the backdoor, revealing just a few of her siblings, she turned to her mother, "where's the others?"

"Went out," Clara shrugged. Dinah nodded.

"Anyway, Gina, Seth!" Dinah exclaimed.

"DJ!" Regina and Seth ran up to her, hugging her legs.

"Hey uglies," Dinah smiled, picking Seth up, "can you guys say hi to my friends Mani and Ally?"

"Hey, you're always on the phone with her!" Regina pointed at Ally, making them laugh.

"Rude," Dinah flicked her head.

"Dinah!" Ally slapped her arm, making Seth and Regina laugh.

"Hey," Dinah frowned, putting Seth down, "then we have Kamila and Hoi playing cards with Chris and Taylor, who is Lauren's younger sister," Dinah pointed at the table of four, slamming cards on the table, "I have a few others, as well as cousins, but I don't know where they are," Dinah shrugged, ushering them back inside as they heard a baby cry, "Lauren has the baby again," Dinah snickered, "be right back," she made her way upstairs, leaving Normani and Ally in the kitchen to stand awkwardly.

"Come here girls, would you like some cookies?" Clara asked, noticing the pair.

"Oh, sure," Normani and Ally walked over.

"There's both white and milk chocolate chips in there, enjoy," Clara smiled, gesturing to the cooling rack.

Dinah walked into the nursery, seeing Lauren bouncing around with the baby against her shoulder.

"Oh thank the heavens," Lauren handed the baby over to Dinah, Alena settling almost immediately, "fucking kid," Lauren rolled her eyes as Dinah chuckled.

"I thought I heard you two in here," Mike appeared in the doorway, "Dinah I'd like to talk to you and Ally tonight."

Dinah sighed and nodded, patting Alena on the back, "okay." Mike nodded and walked away. "C'mon, the girls are downstairs," Dinah said, walking out with Lauren following.

"Ally," Dinah sang, walking into the living room. Ally's eyes widened at the baby in Dinah's arms. She got up and squealed, walking over to Dinah. "Alena, you remember Ally right?" Dinah looked at her sister, who was already looking at Ally. Alena leaned down towards Ally, Dinah letting her go as Ally took her into her arms.

"Oh my god, hello little one," Ally cooed, allowing Alena to wrap her hand around Ally's finger as Ally bounced. Dinah turned to Clara, pointing excitedly. Clara chuckled and nodded. Alena screamed excitedly, throwing Ally's hand around, "okay okay," Ally chuckled. Dinah grabbed her shoulders and guided her back to the couch, sitting next to Ally. Ally put Alena in her lap, facing her.

"Why do I get the feeling they'd make great parents?" Normani leaned over to Lauren.

"Naturals," Clara chimed in, watching her daughter and friend talk to Alena.

"Lena likes Ally more than me and she's known her for five minutes. I was there when she was born!" Lauren exclaimed with a huff, making Normani and Clara laugh.

"Get over it," Clara rolled her eyes.

"Oh, did you know that Ally's Dinah's mate?" Lauren mentioned.

"No I did not, but I'm not at all surprised," Clara shrugged.

Dinah sat back and watched Ally play with Alena.

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