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Mitch let out a heavy sigh as he passed the sign he hoped to never see again, especially not under these circumstances.


Mitch lets out a frustrated scream as he slams his fists down against his kitchen table in his run-down motel.  He swears he saw a crack in the tables dirtied exterior but his attention was now drawn back up to the door as someone was knocking.   

Mitch looked up and started towards the door, fists clenched from his recent outburst.  He goes to look through the peephole just to realize there isn't one, "Great, just great.  Get the cheapest motel room you can find and this is what you get Mitch."  Mitch let out a puff of air before opening the door only to take one look at the person standing outside his crappy motel room that he's pretty sure hasn't been redone since the 1900s.  

He's brought out of his thoughts by the women in front of him, only to realize he was still looking at her, so he did the only reasonable thing he could do for an unwanted guest.  He shut the door on her with an exaggerated eye roll as he walked away towards his small stained couch that has probably never been cleaned once.

"Open the door, Mitch."  A stern voice said, "You can't hide out here forever."

Mitch let out yet another heavy sigh and almost happily walked away from the mysteriously stained couch that he's glad he wouldn't be finding out what those stains actually were.

He opened the door to reveal a young tall looking woman around 26-27 years of age and she didn't look happy.

Mitch turned around without a word and walked over to his small couch until he made the smarter decision to make a left turn to sit on his bed as she followed him looking around as she finally decided to lean against his dresser that looks like it's on what are its last legs.

"Look, I'm not going to sugarcoat this for you, but you can't keep running from your problems."

"I can if it's working," Mitch sighed.

"You of all people should know that running gets you nowhere."

"You wound me Kennedy," sarcasm laced through his words.

"It's not healthy,"  Kennedy said sternly, "look at what happened after Katrina, you went completely off the rails and that's why you're here today."

Mitch looked up at Kennedy, so much hatred behind his eyes as she used Katrina's name as some sort of leverage to the oncoming argument about to break out, but he refused to let it get a rise out of him, or at least look like it got a rise out of him.

"Yeah?  I don't see what's so bad about that, you got another weapon out of it."

"You're not a weapon-"

Mitch scoffed, effectively cutting her off as he looked up at her as he stood up arms crossed, "then what am I?"

Kennedy didn't respond.

"Why are you here, Kennedy?"  Mitch sighed.

"I think you should take a break,"  Kennedy stated.

"And how does Hurley feel about this?"  Mitch asked as he walked to the tiny kitchen that was about the size of a bathroom stall to get himself a beer as he couldn't listen to any more of the ridiculous words she was spewing out of her mouth.

"He-"  Kennedy was cut off by the sound of Mitchs' phone buzzing in his pocket.

Mitch picked up the phone not bothering to see who it was and answered with a bored 'what do you want.'

Mitchs' brows furrowed together as he listened to the person on the other end of the phone who spoke in a frantic tone.  Mitch slowly hung up the phone and slipped it back into his jean pocket and looked up to Kennedy.

"I guess it doesn't really matter what Hurley thinks about it now."


Words: 655

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