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He barely heard Malia calling his name and the patter of footsteps behind him as he pushed the door open.

That's when he saw him. That's him, that's-

"Bought time you called."  Came from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah well I am a bit busy at the moment," Mitch spat back.  The call was silent for a bit before Irene spoke up again.

"How long?"  Irene questioned.

"Excuse me?"  Mitch responded obviously confused.

There was an audible sigh on the other side before Irene's voice was heard again, "how long should I tell Stan you're going to be out for?"  Mitch would be lying if he said he was shocked Kennedy may know something about what's going on.  She always does and he doesn't know how, he found it best not to question it, instead just go along with it.  

Mitch was brought out of his head when he heard Kennedy call his name, knowing he's probably zoned out.  Again.  He's been doing that more than he'd like to admit lately.

Mitch took the time to really study his father, 'should he stay?  Does his father even know he's alive?  Does he still consider him his son?  Once he wakes up will he push him away- no, why should he care.  He's been on his own for a while and he's been just fine.  Right?'

"I don't know,"  Mitch stated truthfully.  "I can't even give you an estimate because I don't even know exactly what happened.  These damn doctors won't tell me shit," his voice rose with each word, "saying it's 'confidential' whatever that means."  Mitch complained.

"Bullshit Mitch, you of all people should know what that means."

Mitch sighed ignoring her statement and proceeded with the topic at hand.  "I don't know maybe a week or two?  Two at most.  I don't want to stay longer than needed."

"I can understand that.  I'll go talk to Stan and tell him the situation, I'm sure he'll understand."  After Irene replied all that was heard was the line going dead.

Mitch once again took a seat next to his father and stared at him willing him to wake up but of course, he didn't, he still lay there as Mitch really took the time to observe his father.  More wrinkles, look like he's aged 10 years which isn't all a lie, it has been 9 years since he's seen his father or anyone from Beacon Hills at that.

But there was something different about his father that he couldn't seem to place his finger on.  Before his thoughts could go any further he heard the hospital door swing open and on instinct, his hand went straight to the back of his jeans where his handgun was and stood up quickly without a thought and turned around, hand on his gun ready to challenge anyone.

While Mitch was too busy trying to protect himself and his father he had failed to hear the simple word come out of the mouth of someone he used to consider his brother.  One simple word he surely did not miss hearing.

The true alpha stood there, frozen like time had stopped and he was the only thing able to move in this universe.  He no longer heard the patter of feet behind him, not sure if they paused behind him just like himself from pure shock, or he just couldn't focus on anything else but the boy- no, man in front of him that is but a shell of his brother.

Scott took in the sight of his brother that went missing- seven, eight, nine years ago? - he was taller, maybe even taller than Derek now, more muscular, broad shoulders, and he carried himself with much confidence he's ever seen in someone, chest puffed out looking like he was ready for a non-existent fight.  And he was still.  

'What happened to him?'
Mitch stood there with his hand on the back of his pants where his gun rest, ready for any sudden movements from his former best friend.  He looked like a deer caught in headlights, so still, he looked like if a gust of wind were to come out of nowhere it wouldn't even phase him.  Mitch couldn't deal with the silence so he decided to be the first to speak up.

Mitch lowered his arm from where it rests on his lower back down to his side, "Hey Scott."  That was all Mitch said before Scott launched himself at him pulling him into a tight embrace.  Mitch stood frozen and tense for a moment before bringing his arms around his former best friend hesitantly and giving him a tight but brief squeeze before letting go.

Scott stepped back visibly examining his brother he hasn't seen for so long who he thought dead.

"Stiles," Mitch tensed at the old name, "I- we-," Scott sighed and started again with an inhale, "we thought you were dead, what happened, how?!"  Scott sputtered out words, some not even forming a sentence as he tried to get everything out.  Scott relaxed to the touch of a familiar than on his shoulder before getting an actual sentence out, even if it was only one word, it fits well for the situation.


It was a simple word, but yet it could get someone to reveal so much at any given time.  And that's exactly what Mitch didn't want.

As Mitch was about to answer there was a low groan right behind him and the speeding up of a heart monitor.  Mitch whipped around to face his father trying to sit up but failing.  Mitch went to his side while Scott and Derek went to his other.  Mitch took his father's hand within his as he told him he was here and to lie back down.  

"Trust me trying to sit up will only make it worse," ok maybe that wasn't the best thing to say from the looks he was getting from Scott and Dere- wait, Derek?!

"I know I know, I just-" the Sheriff's voice halted as he got a good look at who he was talking to.  "Stiles?"

"Yeah Dad, it's me,"  Mitch said with an expressionless face.

"H-how- when?  Where- where have you been son?"  Mitch was once again cut off by nurses filing in.  Mitch took the opportunity - knowing that his dad was ok - to slip out.


Words: 1053 

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