Chapter 28: The Big One

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All colored manga panels were colored by hexamendle from Instagram.


(Mt. Man a.k.a Y/N is still trying to stop Gigantomachia.)

(Y/N): [yelling]

(Toga is still walking towards Y/N.)

Toga's thoughts: Potty mouth...he just doesn't get it! None of these so-called heroes do. He even told me to "cry him a river."

Toga: *glares at Y/N*

Toga's thoughts: I'm going to fill that river with his blood!

(Toga sends one of her needles into Y/N's giant face & it sucks out some of Y/N's blood.)

(Y/N): What was that?

Toga: Hey, Potty mouth!

(Y/N): Huh?

(Toga drinks some of Y/N's blood.)

Toga: [happily humming] You taste...

(Y/N's thoughts): She got some of my blood?! How-

(Y/N remembers the slight prick he felt on his face.)

(Y/N): [groans]

Toga: ...just like Ochako!

(Y/N): [whispers] Uraraka?

Toga: [giggles] You're in love!

(Y/N): Shut-

(Toga transforms into Y/N.)

(Y/N's thoughts): How much of my blood did she get?

Toga as (Y/N): You've got to tell me who it is!

(Y/N's thoughts): Just ignore her, (Y/N).

Toga as (Y/N): Come on, Mt. Man! Please?!

(Y/N's thoughts): She's so annoying.

Toga as (Y/N): Fine, don't tell me. I'll figure it out myself. Let's see. There was a girl with vines for hair, a white haired girl with a mask, and a ginger haired girl with big hands.

(Y/N looks right at Toga.)

Toga as (Y/N): Oh, it's the ginger! [giggles] I don't blame you, gingers are great!

(Y/N): [growls]

Toga as (Y/N): Mt. Man, what do you think'll happen if I were to go back to her? I bet she would cry tears of joy just to see that you're okay.

(Y/N): Shut up.

Toga as (Y/N): Do you think she'll hug me? Maybe even...*heavy blush* kiss me? Do you the the kiss will be pass-

(Y/N shrinks down to normal size & runs towards Toga.)

(Y/N): You're going nowhere near her!

Spinner's thoughts: Hmm, Toga really struck a nerve.

(Y/N begins swinging wildly at Toga.)

Toga as (Y/N): You must really love this girl if you're reacting this way.

(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh, she's too fast.

Toga as (Y/N): Tell me her name! Come on, tell me.

(Y/N): Shut up!

(Y/N continues to swing wildly at Toga.)

Toga as (Y/N)'s thoughts: I can just smell the love off him! But I think I better end this now.

(Toga dodges another one of Y/N's punches & hits him with.)

Toga as (Y/N): Fiji Fist!

(Toga hits Y/N in the face with an enlarged fist.)

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