Prequel Chapter 1: Gingers

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A big thanks to Royallloyal for giving me the idea for this chapter.


Sometime Before Season 1

(Y/N is leaving school & sees his sister waiting for him.)

(Y/N): Yu?

Yu: Hey, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): What are you doing here?

Yu: I'm here to walk you home.

(Y/N): Why?

Yu: Because I'm your big sister. Duh.

(Y/N): [sighs] You don't have-

Yu: Too bad! I'm already here.

(Y/N): Okay.

(Yu & Y/N begin walking away from Y/N's school.)

Yu: Are you sure that you don't want to hold my hand, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yes, Yu! I'm not a little kid anymore.

Yu: [giggles] Sure you aren't.

(As the Takeyama siblings continue to walk, many male students begin to ogle & check out Yu which Y/N notices almost immediately.)

(Y/N): [groans]

Yu: Hm?

(More male students & now some female students begin to ogle & check out Yu.)

(Y/N): [growls]

(Y/N goes behind Yu.)

Yu: (Y/N)?

(Y/N gigantifies both of hands & places them besides his sister. Effectively shielding her from the ogling eyes.)

Male & Female Students: Boo!

(Y/N): Shut the fu-

Yu: (Y/N)?!

(Y/N): [sighs] Sorry, Sis.

Yu: It's okay, (Y/N). Just-

(Y/N): Shut up! Go ogle someone else's sister!

Yu's thoughts: He's too protective.

Yu: Is this really necessarily?

(Y/N): Yes!

Yu: I'm not even wearing anything revealing though?

(Y/N): Well that may be true, Yu, that doesn't stop other people from using their dirty imaginations.

Yu: ...

(Y/N): Gotcha there, Sis.

Yu: I guess. Y'know when I debut as a pro hero people are gonna be ogling me whether you like it or not.

(Y/N): Ugh, don't remind me. Plus your costume really doesn't help.

Yu: What's wrong with my costume?

(Y/N): Are you serious?

Yu: Yes?

(Y/N): Your costume is a skin tight bodysuit!

Yu: And?

(Y/N): Well, you're a very beautiful girl, Sis.

Yu: Aw! You really think so, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Of course I do! As I was saying; you're a very beautiful girl and you know...

Yu: What?

(Y/N): You know...

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