Chapter 26: A Big Man's Sequel

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(Cut to Y/N & his friends on Nabu Island for work studies where currently they're answering phone calls.)

Mina: UA Hero Agency? Sure, I'll send someone right away. Kaminari, head to the West District. Mr. Musatah's battery is dead.

Kaminari: Uh geez, again? Why can't the old man buy a new one already?

Mina: Go get 'em, Chargebolt!

Students: Go! Go!

Kaminari: I'm on it! [chuckles]

Aoyama: Oui, you have reached UA Hero Agency where we solve all of your problems with a sparkle.

(Y/N): UA Hero Agency? No, we don't deliver pizza...why not?! Because this is a Hero Agency and the only thing we deliver is justice!

Hagakure: You found the lost dog?

Koda: Yeah, sure did. And don't worry it's doing just fine.

Hagakure: Next up is a lost parrot.

Little Girl: Please, it's my little brother! I can't find him anywhere!

Uraraka: Stay calm, okay? We can help you.

Yaoyorozu: No really, it's no trouble at all. Of course. Hey, do you mind? Sounds like poor Granny Sato threw out her back.

Iida: Right, on it! Hold on Granny, I'm on the way!

Uraraka: Lost child in the Shopping Center. Is there anyone available to come with me? [giggles]

Bakugo: Hard pass.

Uraraka: Come on?!

Kirishima: Yeah, you're so busy Bakugo. Count me in! Let's find this kid!

Bakugo: Yeah? And how is your dumb Quirk gonna help find anything?

(Y/N): At least he's getting off his ass and doing something.

Bakugo: What did you say, High-rise?!

Jiro: We've got a missing kid? Okay, sounds like I'm up.

Midoriya: I'm free. I can help look too.

(Y/N): I'll join you guys. He could be on top of a building or in a tree.

(Cut to the outside of Iogi Heights which is where Class A is holding their work study. We now see Midoriya inside a pool ring which he'll use to get Jiro, Uraraka, & Y/N to the Shopping District.)

(Y/N): Yeah, no. I'll just meet you guys there.

Midoriya: Come on, (Y/N).

Uraraka: What is it?

(Y/N): I just don't think dangling from a pool ring high in the air is safe.

Uraraka: But I'll be making us float.

(Y/N): That doesn't make it safer.

Jiro: I didn't know you were such a giant chicken, (Y/N).

(Y/N): What did you just call me?

(Jiro, Uraraka, & Y/N are hanging from the pool ring.)


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