A Big Man's Bio

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Name: (Y/N) Takeyama

Quirk: Gigantification. (Y/N)'s Quirk allows him to grow in size like his sister. But unlike his sister, he can also gigantifiy any part of his body.

Height: 5'5

Hero Costume:

Hero Costume:

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Nicknames: High-rise, Loverboy, & The Unslayable Giant

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Nicknames: High-rise, Loverboy, & The Unslayable Giant

(Little Man is NOT one of his nicknames.)

Hero Name: Mt. Man

Sister: Yu Takeyama aka Mt. Lady

Mom: (M/N) Takeyama

Dad: (D/N) Takeyama (deceased)

Girlfriend: Itsuka Kendo

(Y/N) is friends with everyone in his class except for Mineta for obvious reasons.

Boy Best Friend: Eijiro Kirishima

Girl Best Friend: Momo Yaoyorozu

(Y/N) is friends with everyone from Class B. He dislikes Monoma a bit less after Christmas.

Shipper: Ever since (Y/N) has gotten together with Itsuka he's been secretly shipping his classmates with each other. He's convinced Yaoyorozu to consider a relationship with Todoroki. But after seeing how Kirishima, Mina, Midoriya, & Uraraka interacted with each other after showing off their improvements, (Y/N) is now determined to get his ships to sail! (Y/N)'s ships are: Yaoyorozu x Todoroki, Uraraka x Midoriya, Jiro x Kaminari, Mina x Kirishima, Tsu x Tokoyami, & Hagakure x Ojiro.

Super Moves:

Fiji Fist: (Y/N) gigantifies his fists & punches his opponents with his giant fists.

Fairweather Flick: (Y/N) gigantifies one of his hands & positions his fingers for a flick. Once he does this; he flicks his opponents.

Centennial Peak Chop: (Y/N) gigantifies his hands & chops his opponents with his giant hands. (Y/N) got the idea for this move after watching Itsuka chop Monoma.

Ascending Uppercut: As (Y/N) is gigantifiying, he performs an uppercut.

Canyon Cannon: While in his giant form, (Y/N) performs a giant kick. (Y/N) shares this move with his sister.

Sierra Strike: In his giant form, (Y/N) throws a punch.

Hampton Headbutt: In his giant form, (Y/N) performs a headbutt.

(Centennial, Fairweather, & Hampton are names of mountain peaks.)

Ultimate Move:

Sizeless Dash: When (Y/N) is changing sizes, he increases his speed. When (Y/N) uses it in his giant form, he shrinks back down to normal size at such a high speed and vice versa when he's normal sized.

RayTheRipper: Sorry this isn't an actual new chapter but I'm still anxiously waiting for a new chapter that involves the rear guard heroes. Hopefully you enjoyed this bio of (Y/N). But if you didn't know that I'm currently working on Big Dead Man (Training Of The Dead) & A Big Man's Sequel (Heroes Rising). Until then! ✌🏽

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