Chapter 1

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The next morning Oliver woke up to see that he was in a tent surrounded by all of the paragons along with Roy, Diggle, Lyla, Dr. Wong, Mia, Conner, and Olivia. He had known exactly where they were without looking outside of the tent that they were in. He got up from his cot and walked outside and saw that he was correct. They were on Lian Yu.

"I was hoping that I would never have to come to this island again" Oliver said to himself as he got himself prepared for what was to come.

Oliver heard the tent open and he turned around to see that Laurel was walking towards him. "What are we doing here Ollie?" Laurel asked.

"If it is like the last time there is some kind of energy at work here and that energy plus what Dr. Wong has to make will combine and give Lyla the powers of Harbinger." Oliver said.

They just sat there and looked out at the water for a long time until everyone else had come out of the tent as well. Once everyone met up, they decided that they needed a plan of attack here.

"Ok, so what I can remember this energy that is being caused on this island plus the item that Dr. Wong will make will give Lyla the powers of Harbinger. We need a team here to guard the doctor, so Roy, Diggle, Lyla, Mia, Conner, and Olivia will be the guards. The paragons will come with me and try to stop the bad people before they can make it here. Are there any questions?" Oliver asked and everyone shook their heads and went where they were supposed to go.

The seven paragons went off into the woods and Oliver took them to where he knew that Fyres and his troops would be. Once they got to the camp. Oliver told them all to split up and surround the camp. They would take them by surprise.

Oliver gave the signal and they all attacked from different directions. Once Fyres realized what was happening he found Oliver and said "That was very smart Mr. Queen. Coming after us before we had the chance to come out and find you. To bad I have more people than you do."

"You might have more people, but I have people with powers, and I don't think that your troops will stand a chance against them and I am also not the same as I was back then either. I just have one question; how do you know who I am being as I was not on the island but a day or two this time around?" Oliver asked.

"You have defeated me twice already Mr. Queen. It will not happen again." Fyres said.

"So, you are from the old earth. Well, I guess we have something in common then, because I have died twice as well, but I will not die a third time until I am old." Oliver said.

"Well, let's see how much better you have gotten since the last time you saw this man." Fyres said and Billy Wintergreen stepped forward.

Oliver looked around to see that all of his friends were taking care of all of the troops that were around them. That would make it easy for him to just focus on the two men that were in front of him.

"Slade might have killed you last time, but I am going to get payback for what you did to me now." Oliver said as he charged Wintergreen.

The fight started out even, but it was quickly apparent that Oliver was in another league compared to Wintergreen. Soon Wintergreen was on his knees because Oliver had worn him out and taken his leg out from under him. Oliver knocked the sword out of his hand and picked it up. "I will make this quick for you." Oliver said as he swung the sword and decapitated Wintergreen.

Once Oliver was done with Wintergreen, he dropped the sword and drew and arrow really quick and shot it right into Fyres' heart, killing him instantly. Once he was done with that, he turned to help the rest of the paragons with what was left of Fyres' troops. Once they were done there, they all traveled back to the tent to see how the device was coming along.

"Did you have any problems here?" Oliver asked Mia.

"No, I think you must have taking care of all of them before they could leave their camp." Mia said.

"Good. How is the device coming?" Laurel asked.

"It is just about done. Then once Lyla has her powers, we can finish the Anti-Monitor once and for all." Mia said.

"That's the plan. I don't know how long it will take but we will beat him for good this time." Oliver said and everyone nodded.

"Ok, I believe that I am done with the device." Dr. Wong said and he handed it to Lyla, and it did the same as it did the last time.

Lyla left like she did the last time and a few minutes later she returned and brought them all back to Star City. When they entered the bunker, they saw that Lyla had already been to pick up Batwoman, Batman, Nightwing, and Superman.

"Good to see you again Kate and Clark. Hope you are ready for this." Oliver said.

"We're ready and at least we kind of know what to expect this time. So where do we start?" Clark said.

"Looks like the anti-matter wave is getting ready to hit Earth 2 within the next two hours. You will need to go there and help try and stop the wave." Lyla said.

"Are there any heroes on Earth 2?" Laurel asked.

"Yes, I will send you to their location so you can work together and try to save that earth." Lyla said.

"Ok, do it. We need to get there in time to get acquainted with this team so we can fight together and try to end this quick." Oliver said and Lyla nodded as she used her powers to send them all to earth 2 to find that earth's heroes and hopefully stop the Anti-Monitor quickly.

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