12. New Means of Communication

Start from the beginning

Ophelia focused on her broom as she kicked off, and to her surprise, she did it; and she wasn't doing half bad. It was an odd feeling, neither pleasant nor unpleasant, and after she saw that Madam Hooch had seen her do it, she lowered safely to the ground again.

Parvati, Dean, Seamus and some of the other Slytherin's followed suit; not doing it excellently but doing it regardless.

With some encouragment from Ophelia and the others, Neville did it too, successfully, but too successfully. Not knowing how to do this, he just continued to fly higher and higher until he was many feet off the ground. 'Come back boy!' Madam Hooch screamed.

'I-I can't!' Neville stammered.

Draco chuckled, and Ophelia turned to give him a sharp look before looking back up nervously. Neville had hit the side of the wall, and was now tumbling down. She regained her focus just in time to hear the WHAM! Sound that was created when he hit the grass. Madam Hooch on the other hand, was mumbling curses with a mixture of prayers.

'Neville!' Ophelia said as she rushed to his side. 'Neville are you okay?' She asked again. Her curly black hair fell all over her face, as she knelt down to pat his back reassuringly.

He just slowly nodded, but when he rolled over and threw up in the grass; well, that said otherwise. She heard groans from people behind her, but she just patted his back as he let it all out, and she tried not to gag at the vile smell while she did her best to comfort him.

'Thank you Miss Lupin. Oh dear, broken wrist, we need to get you to the hospital wing, boy.' Madam Hooch said as she kneeled down next to him to inspect his wellbeing.

She swiftly stood up. 'Alright, I need to personally escort Mr. Longbottom to the Hospital Wing. Now, I expect you all to be here and alive when I return. No one shall lift off the ground even one bit, or you'll be expelled faster than you can say 'quaffle'.' Madam Hooch announced, before she helped Neville up and began rushing him inside.

Ophelia stood back up, and made her way back to the others.

'Before you can say what?' Hermione questioned, as Ophelia returned back to her side.

'Quaffle. A quidditch term.' Ophelia filled her in, and Hermione nodded in acknowledgment.

'Did you see his face?' Draco laughed as he emerged from the crowd.

Hermione groaned. 'Told you.' She said, nudging Ophelia's elbow.

'I swear...there's more to him,' Ophelia muttered back and Hermione just sighed.

'Draco-' Ophelia had started to tell him off, but Pavarti cut her off unintentionally.

'Oh shut up, Malfoy.' She sneered.

'Sticking up for Longbottom are we, Parvati?' Pansy snarled from Draco's side, but before Pavarti could argue back, Ophelia cut in.

'Guys let's just give this a rest-' Well, she tried to cut in, but Pansy had snorted.

Draco had suddenly leaped forward to grab the glimmering remembrall off the ground, and he smiled as he tossed it in the air and caught it repeatedly. 'Look, it's what his dear old gran got him.' Draco chuckled.

'Draco give it back, enough.' Ophelia pleaded, and Draco (almost) looked as though he was actually going to give it to her, but then Harry spoke.

'Give it here, Malfoy.' He said quietly.

Suddenly Draco didn't look so keen on giving it back. Instead his lips curved into a small smile. 'No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for little old Neville to find it. How about--a tree--perhaps?' But before Harry could stop him, he had started flying upwards on his broom.

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