Everyone clapped besides the useless Goombas.

We then all settled and finished our meals.

The cake was burnt but that was only because Toad didn't know how to cook.

I then asked for some more water.

"Can I get some more water?"


I couldn't hear him.



He walked away and came back with the water.

I looked at it confused.

The water was black.

"Toad how the fuck do you burn water?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Maybe if you weren't such a-"


He grabbed a megaphone from the bottom of his chair.


"Wow jeez..no need to raise your voice...you should've told me that last time."

He grunted.

When we all finished our meals we said goodbye to everybody.

After we did so, Waluigi then told me to follow him.

"Follow me."

I followed him into a room.

He locked the door.

"I can't wait Shrek..Lets do this NOW!"

He took the pleasure bug out of its tank.

I took of my clothes and closed my eyes.

I bent over and waited.

"It may hurt Shrek."

"I don't care just do it."

He laughed.

"You know..this is all happening so fast...it feels like we just meet yesterday."

"I know it's insane."

"Ok so..we need to show intense love in order to make the pleasure bug happy."

I thought for a second.

"What could we do?"

Waluigi then spoke very enthusiastically.

"Vore Me!"

We had never done this before and it was odd.


"Just..swallow me whole..down your pipe."

I smiled.

Waluigi opened the tank so the Pleasure bug could watch us up close.

I opened my mouth with all my ogre might, like never before.

Waluigi smiled in compassion.

"Oh yes Shrek."

He slowly entered my mouth.

I swallowed him, and as he kept accepting what I was doing, he had went fully inside me.

He wasn't that hard to ingest because he was so skinny.

I felt one with Waluigi.

I then saw the Pleasure bug glow.

"You have done well my children."

It started floating towards my asshole.

"Now time to give you the pain of children."

He slowly entered me and moved in swiftly.

I felt a squirming parade of spiny legs inside me.

I began to laugh from how it was tickling me.

I heard the bug speak.

"Tee hehe you like that?"

I kept laughing and it spoke again.

"Tickle Tickle! That's the ticket! Right there!"

I laughed even harder.

I let out a mighty roar.

I felt the bug scrape softly against all my 500 curls.

I felt whole once more.

When the bug was done it came out.

"My job is done boys!"

The bug than poofed in thin air.

I suddenly felt pain.


My butthole ached like never before.

I felt something sliding inside me.

It wanted to be free.

I opened my legs and took deep breaths.

I suddenly felt a head come out from between my legs.

I began giving birth.


I suddenly felt a skinny arm come out of me and a oblong head. The skin color of the organism was green. It was very skinny but yet slightly thicc. I pushed further and it came out. It was a baby.

I held the baby with two hands.

He had Waluigi's body and hair..and has my skin color. I couldn't forget how my hole felt like a rubber band stretching in all directions.

I then felt a long arm thrust at my throat and I threw up.

Waluigi looked at the baby and got up.


"I know."

"What should we name it."

I smiled and looked at him.



Birth is literally so beautiful :')
Vote to get your very own pleasure bug ;) <3

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