The Hunt is on

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Chapter Eleven - The Hunt Is On


????Unknown?????? P.O.V

I sat in my chair staring at the burning fire, it always soothed me, It reminded me of her. i was wondering where i had gone wrong, My thoughts were disturbed with a knock at my door.

"My Liege"

a servant entered the room. I glanced at him, nodding for him to enter.

" We have some exciting news, One of them have begun the change"

he looked at me with joy in his eyes, knowing this was the news i had been waiting for.

An evil smiled spread crossed my face, i knew it wouldn't be long before i had them, i just had to be patient. Good things come to those who wait.

"Excellent news my friend, Excellent indeed!, send out the Soars to collect her, "Unharmed" do you understand me, i need them Alive! , If a hair on her head is harmed i will slaughter your entire family. Do i make myself clear"

i stared at him flashing my black eyes as my face distorted. Making it very clear not to disobey my orders.

" Yes my Liege , it is understood"

he dropped his head and left the room not risking even a glance in my direction .

They will be mine, this time no one will get in my way, i will make them all pay for what they did to me.

I rubbed my hands together, i couldn't help smiling, the excitement bubbled inside me, not long now my love, not long now.


Helios P.O.V

I waited in the hall for Jet to get ready, we were about to leave to meet mother for drinks. My mind drifted off to Stella and our kiss. I felt the tingle ripple through my body, just thinking about her made my body stir with desire. i reached my hand up to my lips, i could still feel her lips. i closed my eyes imagining her with me.


i whispered


i heard her reply, my eyes flew open. What the fuck! , Did i really here her.


i said again.

i waited..........Nothing.....


i screamed out loud slamming my hand on the wall.

My bedroom door flung open, Jet came out of the room in Kick arse mode, ready to fight..

"Helios is everything alright, what happened?"

she looked down the hall to see who i was screaming at. Then looked back at me and noticed my hand on the wall.

i slowly pulled it back, embarrassed i had made a hole in the wall. She reached up and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"We will find her OK"

smiling at me, she was so sweet. Scary but sweet.

"I heard her Jet, i heard her reply to me, we must have a mind link somehow? it was faint but i heard her"

i leaned my head on the wall, the cool surface of the wood helping me relax.

Double the TroubleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang