A Race Against Night

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D. :-)

Chapter Nine - A Race Against Night



Stellar looked dazed.

"What happened"

she asked Selenic,

"i don't understand. " He "

" don't worry my love i will take care of you "

Selenic hugged her tight, she looked at me with a confused expression.

" Hold your breath"

he said and then turned to me.

" You will not have her"

he looked back at Stellar and smiled. They shimmered into a dark blur and disappeared.


Selenic's P.O.V

I wasn't going to risk my girl with that asshole, he put his disgusting hands all over her. I wanted to smash his face in but that would scare Stellar. She's probably scared already. So i grabbed my girl and took her home. We transported quickly, i looked down at Stellar, and told her to breathe.

She opened her eyes so i loosened my grip on her, she stumbled a bit and fainted, i picked her up in bridal style in my arms and made my way to my wing. I lived in the palace with my parents and my younger brother Arlo. We lived on the moon, well not on it but in it, it basically was a door to our world. If you landed on the moon like the humans did, it looked barren, but if you new where the door was you could come in and see a whole new world. Our people could only go out in darkness, the light from the sun drained us, if we spent long enough out in the sun it would kill us. so if any of us were caught on earth we just stay inside in a darkened room, kinda like Vampires, with all the special powers of one but no fangs. i thought to myself fangs would be pretty cool.

The moment we reached my bedroom, i placed her down gently on my bed, she sunk into the plush covers, she squiggled into the blankets making a soft moan escape her lips. She nestled further into the bed, Dirty thoughts started to invade my mind, i wanted to join her in bed and show her what a real man could do not like that asshole Helios. my blood still boiled, the audacity of that Boy to put his tongue in my girls mouth.

"She's mine"

i muttered out loud

i knew from the moment i saw her, i was actually off to meet a girl i had "Relations" with and heard Stellar laugh as i passed this little cafe it was life music to my ears. i turned to see who the gorgeous laugh belonged to and fell in love the minute i saw her. i felt this pull to her that i couldn't understand, i knew there was something special about her, i though she was my twin flame, but i couldn't understand why we didn't connect. So until i figured it out we started to date and i gave her the Nebular necklace to keep her safe on earth, too many creatures come to earth. i had to keep her safe. i don't know why Helios thought Stellar was his Twin Flame. I had never heard of two people having the same Flame. He must be Fucked in the head, Yeah that's it, i nodded to myself.

Yeah he's a fucken moron .

I leaned down and kissed her on the head, i better get some food, Stellar will be hungry when she wakes and then i have a whole lot of explaining to do. I closed the door gentle behind me and headed to the kitchen. Whistling a earth song i heard,

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